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Parallel Worlds pro et contra

Artur Zadikyan (2024)
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When is our mind born? After all, we don't remember our birth. And what happened before that, when we were formed in our mother's body? What is the beginning of our appearance in this world? After all, when a man and a woman performed a ritual and a sperm came together with an egg, we began. Two met and sent two to meet. Then a thought appeared and following the rule of logic gave birth to the mind. Entangled pairs of particles fly apart to incredible distances and maintain an instantaneous connection, overthrowing all the complex laws of the universe. Alas, we wish for a miracle when we doubt it, but we live in it because it is a reality. The book consists of two volumes: "Parallel Worlds One: Fire and Flame" and "Parallel Worlds Two: The Birth of God"


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Chapter 2. The Fix

Creative people, and not only talented people (each of us is talented in something, even in stupidity), always have a fix idea. And if this idea finds support in the statements of great thinkers, it turns from an idea into a goal.

Rutra has always wondered why the formula E=MC2 limits the possibilities of mankind. According to this contradictory and controversial (including the authorship) formula — bodies with mass cannot reach the speed of light, otherwise the energy must be infinite, and massless particles (there are some) can, but no more. So, at the speed of light you fly to the Moon (+/-300,000 km) one second, to the Sun (150,000,000 km) already more than 8 minutes. The Sun is our star, and there are up to 400,000,000,000,000,000,000 of them in our galaxy alone (not the largest). The diameter of our galaxy is 100,000 light years. Imagine how many seconds that is. Even if we reach the speed of light for human flight (which is incredible and contradicts all the laws of physics), it will take us 4 years to fly to the nearest star — Alpha Centauri (and back 4). To say that we, even overcoming all the laws of physics, can fly around at least our galaxy (to our neighbor, the Andromeda Nebula, 2,000,000 light years away) is still impossible!

So, Rutra had a fix idea. He has developed a program and is preparing to implement it, which will be a scientific breakthrough. First he needs to realize no less ambitious and grandiose idea, very original, fateful for mankind, incredible, but in fact, as it turned out, has a very simple solution. It is only necessary to give immortality to mankind. This incredible and seemingly unfeasible idea turned out to be solvable in one rather simple way. As it turns out, it is a very simple solution, even on a physiological level. Everything grandiose is simple. It was much more difficult to overcome the speed of light.

The idea had so strongly occupied Rutra's mind that everything else became unimportant. Obsessed with the idea, he set out to carry out his plan.

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