This book tell about the 10th sign of Zodiac. We invite you join to our Russian — British project and tell about yourself:
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Capricorn: «I work!»
The end of December — beginning of January — this is the time of Capricorn. The New Year for many of them coincides with the day of their birth, and they mark a double celebration. To better understand the people born under this sign, imagine a mountain goat. These graceful animals tirelessly climb high, aspiring to conquer the mountain tops. For Capricorns, they typically strive reach their target. The planet Saturn, which protects this sign helps them to do this. However, the path to success, due to its slow and measured movements, often takes many years, and can have a destructive effect on their nature. They can become gloomy, moody and often depressed.
Their character is strong — but they can also be self-willed and stubborn. However, their character is persistent and enduring. They are very hardworking and responsible.
In nature, they are often realistic: practical, pedantic, frugal and rational and objective in their judgements. They often have a brilliant mind and an excellent memory.
In relationship with people they are usually restrained and secretive. They do not like to show others their shyness, and often hide under the mask of arrogance and inaccessibility. Inwardly they are sensitive and kind.
They are often perceived as solitary individuals. With them it is difficult to get close, since their introverted personalities make themselves withdrawn from relationships.
Love is perceived as a compromise: their feelings are typically repressed.
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