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Capricorn. Zodiac

Angel Wight
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This book tell about the 10th sign of Zodiac. We invite you join to our Russian — British project and tell about yourself: zodiak777.yolasite.com


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The sigh of Capricorn

Element: Eath

Quality: Cardinal

Simbol: The Goat with fish tail

Planet: Saturn

Capricorn is the tenth zodiac sign. They are usually portrayed as a sea goat. At the beginning of the period of Capricorn nature stops, it is a time of rebirth. The time we celebrate the New Year. During this sign we have the winter solstice. The Sun, in pursuit of life and light, triumphs over the forces of darkness. Sunrise and sunset occur almost at the same time everyday of the first week of the month, and the duration of the day and night remains unchanged. Time waits. From this low point the Sun begins to rise upwards in the sky. Its growing light awakens a world where nature is resting, and encourages new life to rise and follow it to a visible world. Capricorn establishes a reliable foundation on which the future success depends, actively seeking resources that will stimulate growth and production.

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