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Английский язык. Тексты на английском. Уровень Pre-Intermediate

Кэнди Ли (2024)
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Сборник историй на английском языке, создан для всех изучающих язык уровня преинтермедиат. Расширяйте свой словарный запас, улучшайте понимание текста и наслаждайтесь красотой английского языка через интересные и разнообразные тексты.К данному сборнику записано аудиосопровождение нейтивами. Релиз аудио так же выпущен на ЛитРесе.


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The Haunted House

The Smith family was excited to move into their new home. It was an old, large house on the edge of town, perfect for their growing family. Mr. and Mrs. Smith, along with their two children, Jack and Emily, couldn't wait to explore their new place.

On the first night, strange things began to happen. Jack heard whispers coming from the attic, and Emily saw shadows moving in the hallway. At first, they thought it was just their imagination. But the next day, things got even stranger.

Mrs. Smith found old photographs of people they didn't know in the attic. Mr. Smith discovered that the doors would sometimes open and close by themselves. Jack's toys would move to different places overnight, and Emily's room would get unusually cold.

One evening, the family gathered in the living room to talk about the strange occurrences. Suddenly, the lights flickered, and they heard footsteps coming down the stairs. The family huddled together, frightened.

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