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  3. Валерия Лихачева


Валерия Лихачева (2022)
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Это история о выборе. Каждый день мы принимаем решения, влияющие на наше «завтра». Выбери себя и своё будущее. Книга написана на английском языке. Подойдёт для читателей с уровнем языка А2-В1. После каждой главы даётся список слов с переводом.


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Приведённый ознакомительный фрагмент книги «Lucky» предоставлен нашим книжным партнёром — компанией ЛитРес.

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At the end of that school day Ivy realized that she had left her jacket in the dressing room. She headed there and, all of a sudden, saw Cole coming out of the gym. He was putting his T-shirt on and didn’t notice Ivy. The girl stopped and smiled. Cole saw her and froze for a moment.

“Hmm… Hey!” she said.


“You’re Cole, right?”


“I’m Ivy.”

“I know,” Cole felt confused.

“Well, I would never think you’re good at sports.”

“I’m not.”

“But you look really athletic.”

“Maybe a little.”

“Ok, I’ve left my jacket here. I’ve got to find it.”

“I see.” Cole was going to walk away.

“Wait, Cole… What are you doing after school?” Ivy kept shocking the boy.

“I need to help my mother at her flower shop. Why?”

“Cool! Can I go with you?”

“Hmm… Well…Why not?” Cole couldn’t understand why she was acting like that.

“Fine! Just a minute. I’ll take my jacket!”

Ivy left, Cole stayed shocked.

The girl was back in five minutes and they headed to the shop. Ivy turned out to be a talkative girl. On their way to the shop Ivy was telling stories about her previous school and friends. Cole was listening and wondering why she was telling him all that stuff. First, he was feeling nervous. He even doubted if he had done the right thing to let Ivy go with him. Cole wasn’t used to hanging out with other peers, especially girls. He didn’t know what to say and felt embarrassed. But Cole relaxed some time later. He realized that Ivy wasn’t like other girls he had ever known. “At least, she doesn’t get on my nerves anymore. Plus, she seems to be smart.” Meanwhile, Ivy was laughing at her own joke. Cole missed it but smiled. He asked, “Do you have friends here?”

“Nope. And you?”

“I have three mates. Jacob is my best friend. You might have heard of him. He is our school president.”

“Ah, okay.”

They came to Sheryl’ shop.

“Wow! What a surprise!” She greeted them. “ Hello!”

“ This is Ivy, this is my mom.” Cole introduced them.

“I’m Sheryl.”

“I’m happy to meet you, Sheryl.” Ivy was polite.

“Come on!” Sheryl told them to follow her.

“What are we going to do?” Cole asked.

“As you know, Valentine’s Day is coming up in three days.”

“Oh, right. It’s in three days.”

“Yes. So, we need to prepare bouquets and create flower decorations. Also, there’s some work with orders, logistics, and loading.

Конец ознакомительного фрагмента.



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Приведённый ознакомительный фрагмент книги «Lucky» предоставлен нашим книжным партнёром — компанией ЛитРес.

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