Солнечные бароны. Организованная преступность

Алена Витаскова

Алена Витаскова в своей книге «Солнечные бароны – организованная преступность» рассказывает сатирическую историю, основанную на реалиях из мира бизнеса и политики. Вы узнаете, как незаметно облегчить государственный бюджет и сделать из этого «успешный проект», как сегодня популярно лоббирование, как некоторые становятся «солнечными богачами», в то время как другие – «солнечными бедняками».



The history and origins of the problem, which is called"background

tovoltaic leaching of public funds"and

which will cost us a trillion crowns.

• The proposal of the government of Vladimir Shpidla

— Law No. 180/2005 of the collection of laws"On support

ke production of electricity from renewable

energy sources"was approved by the Parliament of the Czech Republic 23

February 2005 (government of Stanislav Gross)

103 votes against 43.

• Voted for the law

— Czech Social Democratic Party (CSDP) (in particular, deputies Rafai, Kala and Zaoralek)

— Christian Democratic Union — Czech people-

Naya party CDU-CNP (in particular, the deputies of Kalou-

sec, Parkanov and Shoydrov)

— Union of Freedom — Democratic Union (US-DEU) (in particular, MP Pavel Svoboda) and communists (in particular, MPs Doleish and Philip).

Fundamentally opposed to the adoption of the law

la Civil Democratic Party GDP.

• Until an official

investigation and the names of politicians will not be disclosed,

who have different financial relationships

or property relations with photovoltaic

power plants, this problem will not be solved.

We are also talking about already sold photovoltaic

power plants, for example, energy

Solar Barons

the giant ČEZ, as well as related financial transactions.

• Hidden organizations of these owners created

the political and lobbying structure that supports them

covers and includes part of the staff on-

personalities and justice.

• Annual report of the Security and Information Service (analogue of the RussianFSB — translator's note), section:"Organized crime"

…"A concrete example of the impact of the targeted image

highly lobbied laws can

be a situation related to the support of environmental

electricity production. In this case, the impact

on society in the Czech Republic is obvious and wears

long-term nature, while corresponding to

for our interest groups, this legal norm

ma not only guaranteed the return on investment

financial resources, but also brings high returns to

for a long time."

• Supporting"green energy"through public

of funds in 2006 amounted to about 26 kroons/MWh.

Ten years later (2016), this support consists of

the pitchfork is already 850 CZK/MWh. About 50% of these subsidies are paid by consumers, 50% by the state budget. The price increase exceeded 3,000%.

• Support for photovoltaic power plants

(ФВЭ) (бум в 2010 г.) составила 15 крон/кВт-ч, при-

чём электроэнергия стоила в это время 1 крона/вКт-ч.

• Ежегодно эта поддержка обходится нам в 45 млрд

крон, причём на ФВЭ из этой суммы приходится

порядка 27 млрд крон. Продолжительность про-

граммы поддержки составит от 20 до 30 лет.

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