Loving Yourself
Dear friends, have you ever heard anyone say, «One should love themselves»/ «Just love yourself»?
I am a very down-to earth person, which always made me think, «What does it mean to love oneself?»
You can say whatever you want! And what exactly do you do when you love yourself? Kiss yourself? Hug yourself? Look in the mirror admiringly? Consider yourself and your own interests to be more important than the others? Eat delicacies all day? Wear expensive clothes and surround yourself by luxury? Those and million other questions arose in my mind.
Looking for an answer to such a topical question that it was for me, I have read many books and listened to wise people, which made me come to the following answer.
To love yourself means to:
• Accept yourself the way you are, with all of your peculiarities!
• Forgive yourself for any mistakes and make conclusions about them!
• Speak only good about yourself!
• Forgive your «offenders»! For in the end they always teach us something.
• Have a pure and beautiful vocabulary, throw swear words out of your head! Be good, kind and polite whenever you can.
• Every day smile to yourself, to people, and keep smiling in general.
• Keep fit!
How to get rid of depression, apathy, gloom and boredom? Walking or jogging, roller-skating or cycling, skiing or skating etc., off you go to a gym, to a swimming pool, to a park!
Make your wishes and thoughts your top priority. Your heart will never lie!
• Wish good to everyone, and it will return to you like a boomerang!
• Remember that everyone has the right for their mistakes, for life is school! If anyone tries to seek a speck in your eye, should remove the beam from their own first!
I liked very much a so-called «Divinity Test». Here’s the procedure:
— fill a bathtub with water;
— climb into it;
— check if you can walk on water!
If you can’t, it means you’re not GOD! So you have the right for a mistake.
• Dream but remember that dreams tend to come true! So one should dream about good things that are not harmful for people around you.
• Don’t waste your efforts for those who don’t need your help, for, saving a drowning man, you make them sink deeper. Remember the saying: feed the hungry giving them a fishing rod?
• Keep regular hours! Get up earlier in the morning.
An average adult needs about 7—8 hours of sleep.
• Eat healthy food!
• Drink more pure water!
• Laugh! Laugh at oneself! Laugh at the life! According to the movie The Very Same Munchhausen:
«A serious face is not yet an indication of intellect. All the stupid things in the world are done with exactly that expression. Smile, gentlemen, smile!»
• Enjoy life! Search for something good every day in everything you see! Live just here and now! The past is already gone! The future will never come! There’s always only today! Our life is only here and now!
• Give up watching the TV!
• Develop your spirit! It is a separate, enormous and very important issue.
• Develop your intellect! Read books. Attend classes and trainings. Learn foreign languages. Get new education!
• Stop working, having made your hobby your job!
• Of course, give up on alcohol, tobacco all other things that harm your health.
If there something about others that you don’t like about others, you possess that quality, too! One only notices what is familiar to them. Criticizing others, people talk about themselves. The world is a mirror that reflects us! As soon as you calm down, relax, «tidy up your mind», the world around us also clears up and starts smiling at us!
To love yourself = to love life!
I wish you happiness and love!
Практические советы (Practikal advices)
О красках жизни
Выберите для эксперимента какую-нибудь комнату, место на улице, в автомобиле, где вам будет удобно, и начните искать глазами предметы какого-нибудь определённого цвета. После того, как вы найдёте все предметы заданного цвета, закройте глаза и попробуйте вспомнить предметы любого другого цвета.
Например: находясь в комнате, можно начать искать предметы зелёного цвета — это могут быть узоры на мебели, чашки, вазы, стены, шторы, книги — всё что угодно. Перечислите все найденные предметы зелёного цвета и закройте глаза. Не открывая глаз, перечислите предметы, условно говоря, красного цвета и посмотрите, что получится!
Так и в жизни: на какие «краски» настроимся, такие и будем видеть!
The colors of life
Choose for the experiment any room, your car or place outdoors where you would feel comfortable, and start looking for things of a certain color. After finding them all, close your eyes and try to remember things of any other color.
Example: if you are in a room, you can start looking for green objects (like patterns on furniture, cups, vases, walls, curtains, books, or anything else). Name all of them and close your eyes. Without opening them, try to list all the red objects, for example!
That’s the way it is, we see the «colors» we were aiming to see!