В книге представлены тесты на основные сложные грамматические темы английского языка: все времена, согласование времён, страдательный залог, условные предложения, герундий, инфинитив. Тесты адаптированы по методике © Лингвистический Реаниматор и имеют ключи. Для работы над тестами ваш уровень знания английской грамматики должен быть не ниже уровня В2. Я рекомендую не только выполнять сами тесты, но также выписывать и заучивать новые слова и идиомы. Книга содержит 867 английских слов и идиом.
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Ключ к тесту 1
Tomorrow there will be a new task.
Oh yeah, exactly. We will have to figure out the customers who are no longer active.
I will be defining the period of clients inactivity for a couple of days.
We will have been looking for a way to make them active again for several days before the meeting starts.
I will have finished the current task till Friday.
— Here are the clients who have been inactive for the last 2 months.
— So find a way to make them active.
Well, for example, we can offer them a special promotion, special conditions, or any other privileges that we will agree on.
— So, I’ve been doing this for a couple of weeks, but none of the methods that you suggest has worked so far.
— Therefore, look for new ways.
— Exactly! You thought in the right direction.
— How long did it take them to do this? — They were working on this task during one working week.
They had been working on that task for one work week before they started developing the details of the new project.
After they had carefully worked out all the current tasks, they began to develop a new project.