Упражнение 1
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Albert and Methodius
Albert Veselovsky (Alberto Veselovsky) and (y) Methodius Ponebatko (Metodio Ponebatko) were (ser) childhood friends (amigos de la infancia), as well as (así como) in (en) literature (literatura).
I must (deber..) say (decir) that (que) they looked like (juntos parecerse.. a) Pat and Patachon together (-) — Albert was (ser) excessively thin and tall (excesivamente delgado y alto), and Methodius, on the contrary (por el contrario), was (ser) short and fat (bajo y gordo).
Once (una vez) at the beginning (al comienzo) of (de) summer (verano), the friends (… amigos) decided (decidir):
— It is enough (ser.. suficiente) for (para) our families (nuestras familias) to live (vivir) and undermine their health (socavar su salud) in (en) a gas-polluted city (… ciudad contaminada con gas),
we must (deber..) move (mudarse..) to (a) the country (campo), to (a) some (un) quiet, picturesque place (lugar tranquilo y pintoresco).
3.Health and inspiration (la salud y la inspiración) 2.will be improved (mejorar..) 1.there (allí)!
So they decided and did (así decidir.. y lo hacer..:) — they moved (mudarse..) with (con) their (sus) families to (a) a quiet village (… pueblo tranquilo) with the poetic name «Lermontovo» (… nombre poético «Lermontovo»).
There (allí) the life (… vida) was (ser) bright and free (brillante y libre), at the dawn (al amanecer) they went (ir.. a) swimming (nadar) in () the Volga River (… río Volga),
enjoyed (disfrutar.. de) sunrises and sunsets (amaneceres y atardeceres), the harmony of nature (… armonía de la naturaleza), the originality (… diversidad) of (de) the local flora and fauna (… flora y fauna local).
In (en) the forest (… bosque), which (que) extended (extenderse) from (de) the village (… pueblo) and beyond (más allá), there were (haber) wild boars and bears (jabalíes y osos salvajes), sometimes (a veces) they entered (entrar) the territory (… territorio) of (de) the village, it was (ser) fascinating (fascinante).
And (y además) in that area (en esa zona) there were (haber) many different mushrooms (muchos hongos diferentes), so (por lo que) most (la mayoría) of (de) the locals (… lugareños) were (ser) inveterate mushroom pickers (ávidos buscadores de hongos).
That hobby (ese pasatiempo) even (incluso) turned into (convirtirse) a real business (en… negocio real) for (para) some of them (algunos de ellos).
The mushroom topic (… tema de los hongos) interested (interesar)! our characters (nuestros personajes) too (también), they also (-) decided (decidir..) to become (convertirse en) mushroom pickers (recolectores de hongos).
After taking (tomar) a serious training course (curso de capacitación serio) on (en) the (-) Internet (Internet), on (en) the YouTube channel (… canal de YouTube), on masterfully learning to distinguish (aprender a distinguir magistralmente)
poisonous mushrooms (… hongos venenosos) from (de) completely edible ones (… completamente comestibles), they decided (decidir..) to make (hacer) their first outing (su primera salida) to (a) the forest (… bosque).
Outing for mushrooms
They went mushrooming (irse.. de hongos) at dawn (a la madrugada), having previously bathed (bañarse.. previamente) in (en) the river (… río), dressed correctly (vestidos correctamente),
in order (para) to protect themselves (protegerse) from (de) the bites (… picaduras) of (de) mosquitoes and snakes (mosquitos y serpientes), which (que) lived (vivir) in huge numbers (en grandes cantidades) in the forest.
About two hours passed (pasar.. unas dos horas), the friends gathered (recoger) a lot of different mushrooms, and satisfied (satisfechos) returned home (volver.. a casa).
Their wives (sus esposas), after (después de) consulting (consultar) among themselves (entre sí), decided to distrust (decidir.. desconfiar de) those mushrooms (esos hongos), and ruled on their case (y disponer..):
— For now (por ahora) we will not eat (no comer..) these (estos) mushrooms, and we’ll not allow you (no le permitir.. que) to poison (envenenar..)! our precious children (nuestros preciosos hijos).
Go eating (Vosotros ir.. a comer) your grebes and fly agarics (vuestros grebes y amanitas muscarias) yourselves (-), and we will get along (y llevar.. bien) with (con) our Ukrainian borsch and pampushkas (nuestro borsch ucraniano y pampushkas).
If (si) the two of you (los dos) are (estar) fine (bien) tomorrow (mañana), and none of you (nadie) is dead (estar.. muerto), we’ll taste (probar) these (estos) mushrooms too (también).
And so they did (y así lo hacer..).
Cooking together is always more fun (ser.. siempre más divertido cocinar juntos), so (así que) the friends amicably set to work (ponerse.. a trabajar amistosamente).
Once again looking through all the mushrooms (examinar.. todos los hongos una vez más,), they chose (eligir) only the most reliable in appearance (solo los del aspecto más confiable), on throwing away
Конец ознакомительного фрагмента.