Возвратные местоимения
— Возвратные местоимения — используются, когда лицо или предмет производят действие, направленное на само себя.
Little Timmy fell and hurt himself. — Малыш Тимми упал и ушибся.
Единственное число
1-ое лицо — себя, себе — myself
2-ое лицо — себя — yourself
3-ье лицо — себя, сам/себя, сама/себя, сам, сама, само — himself/herself/itself
общее — себя, себе, сам, сама — oneself
Множественное число
1-ое лицо — себе, себя, собой — ourselves
2-ое лицо — себя — yourselves
3-ье лицо — себя, себе, сами — themselves
Возвратные местоимения могут служить для эмоционального усиления:
But you yourself saw it! — Но ведь Вы сами всё видели!
Возвратное местоимение oneself можно использовать применительно ко всем людям:
The only thing I can recommend to achieve success is to treat oneself with self-criticism. — Единственное, что я могу посоветовать, чтобы добиться успеха — относиться к себе с самокритикой.
Возвратные местоимения не используются после глаголов feel, afford, wash, bath, shave, (un)dress, change (clothes) и других.
I feel terrible. — Я ужасно себя чувствую.
I’d like to have a Porsche but I cannot afford it. — Я хотел бы иметь Порше, но я не могу себе этого позволить.
I dressed quickly, had my breakfast and left for work. — Я быстро оделся, позавтракал и уехал на работу.
Упражнение 18
Поставьте необходимое возвратное местоимение.
The water is hot, don’t burn…. — The water is hot, don’t burn yourself.
1. I am angry with…. 2. Can you do many things…? 3. You see you've cut… again. Be more careful. 4. He fell down and hurt…. 5. Does your friend Nick often talk to you about…? 6. I think that poor dog hurt…. 7. Tell me more about…. 8. Did your mother buy anything for… last week? 9. He came into the room and introduced…. 10. She believes in…. 11. Are you always sure of…? 12. We didn't know where to hide…. 13. We are sure of…. 14. Can a little child take care of…?
Упражнение 19
Поставьте необходимое возвратное местоимение.
1. She is very sure of…. 2. They did everything…. 3. Do you believe in…? 4. Children, you can't do that…. 5. Did you translate the text…? 6. Did the pupils answer all the questions…? 7. They always speak only about…. 8. I saw everything…. 9. Did you make the dress…? 10. We should always believe in…. 11. The knife was sharp, and she cut…. 12. Babies cannot look after…. 13. They introduced…. 14. I tried to control….
Упражнение 20
Найдите ошибки в некоторых предложениях и исправьте их.
1. My sister taught himself to swim. 2. Anna repaired the chair herself. 3. The children are making themselves something to eat. 4. I hurt me when I fell down the stairs. 5. We're meeting ourselves at 8.00 this evening. 6. We're enjoying ourselves very much.
Упражнение 21
Ответьте на вопросы, подразумевая, что всю работу люди сделали самостоятельно.
Who bought that book for him? — He bought it himself.
1. Who cooked your breakfast this morning? 2. Who helped them to translate the text? 3. Who helped the little girl to dress? 4. Who helped you to find the way? 5. Who cleaned your classroom? 6. Who washes your clothes? 7. Who broke his tape-recorder? 8. Who built their house? 9. Who helped her to do maths? 10. Who planted the garden in front of your house?
Упражнение 22
Заполните пропуски возвратными местоимениями, где это необходимо.
1. All our friends enjoyed… at his birthday party. 2. I often speak to… when I'm in bad mood and alone. 3. Polly and Nancy, help… to sweets and juice. 4. Concentrate… if you don't want to fail your exam. 5. They haven't decided yet where they'd meet…. 6. Little Polly is only two but she can dress…. 7. She got up, washed… and left the house without disturbing anyone. 8. I'm not angry with him. I'm angry with…. 9. Relax… when you dance. 10. They never think about other people. They only think about…. 11. Who went with her? — Nobody. She went by…. 12. Let's hide… under that tree. The rain is so heavy. 13. He feels… not well today. 14. Don't take him to the party. He'll spoil everything…. 15. We didn't know who that young guy was. He didn't introduce…. 16. It's windy, you may catch cold…. 17. Children, take the towel and dry….