Фразовые глаголы с come
Come across — натолкнуться
— I came across an interesting article while browsing the internet.
— She came across a lost dog on her way home from work.
— He came across as arrogant during the meeting.
— Have you ever come across a situation like this before?
— The author’s message didn’t come across very clearly in the book.
Come along — появляться, продвигаться вперед
— How is your project coming along?
— The construction work is coming along nicely.
— Are you coming along to the party tonight?
— The new employee is coming along well with their training.
— We need to hurry if we want to come along to the movie.
Come around — приходить в сознание, изменяться к лучшему
— The patient finally came around after being unconscious for hours.
— I hope my parents come around and let me go to the concert.
— Our boss finally came around to our idea and approved the project.
— It took a while, but eventually he came around to the fact that he was wrong.
— Do you think she’ll ever come around and forgive me?
Come at — атаковать, нападать
— The dog suddenly came at me from out of nowhere.
— The robbers came at the security guard with weapons drawn.
— When the teacher turned her back, the students came at each other with pencils.
— I wasn’t ready when he came at me with that difficult question.
— He came at the exam with a calm and focused mindset.
Come back — вернуться
— When will you come back from your vacation?
— I need to come back to the office later to finish some work.
— The memories of my childhood always come back to me when I visit my hometown.
— After a long day at work, it’s good to come back to a clean house.
— He promised to come back and help us with the project tomorrow.
Come by — заходить, проходить мимо
— If you’re in the area, feel free to come by for a cup of coffee.
— I managed to come by tickets to the concert at the last minute.
— We were surprised when our old friend came by unexpectedly.
— The mailman comes by our house every day except Sunday.
— I’m not sure if I’ll be able to come by the store before it closes.
Come down — спускаться, уменьшаться (о цене, температуре)
— The price of gas has come down significantly in the past few weeks.
— When the snow finally started to come down, we knew it was going to be a heavy storm.
— I hope the fever comes down soon so you can feel better.
— The balloons came down slowly after the children released them into the air.
— The helicopter came down safely despite the engine trouble.
Come forward — выступать на первый план, предъявляться
— A witness finally came forward with information about the crime.
— It’s important that victims of abuse feel comfortable coming forward to report it.
— The new leader of the company came forward with a bold plan for growth.
— She came forward as a volunteer to help with the community project.
— The truth will eventually come forward no matter how hard someone may try to conceal it.
Come in — входить
— Please come in and make yourself comfortable.
— I heard someone knocking, but nobody came in when I said «come in.»
— Don’t forget to wipe your feet before you come in the house.
— It’s rude to come in unannounced when someone is sleeping.
— The delivery person came in through the back door.
Come off — отклеиваться, выпадать, прекращаться, удалиться
— The handle of my suitcase came off during the flight.
— Her shoe came off while she was running in the race.
— The meeting didn’t come off as planned due to technical difficulties.
— The paint on the wall started to come off after years of wear and tear.
— I need to come off social media for a while to focus on my studies.
Come on — начинать работу, двигаться быстрее, присоединяться
— We need to come on with the project if we want to finish it on time.
— Come on, let’s hurry up and get there before the concert starts.
— The car suddenly came on with a burst of speed.
— I wish the rain would come on harder so we could stay inside all day.
— The crowd came on strong in support of the performer.
Come out — выходить, раскрываться
— The sun finally came out from behind the clouds.
— When will the new iPhone model come out?
— The truth about his past finally came out in the interview.
— The stain on my shirt wouldn’t come out no matter how hard I tried.
— She didn’t come out until her family had left for the day.
Come over — приезжать в гости
— Why don’t you come over to my house for dinner tonight?
— My friend always comes over to watch movies on Friday nights.
— I hope my neighbors don’t mind if I come over and borrow some sugar.
— Let’s make plans to come over and visit each other soon.
— I can’t wait for my family to come over for the holidays.
Come round — передумать, прийти на помощь
— He eventually came round to the idea of getting a pet dog.
Конец ознакомительного фрагмента.