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Английские фразовые глаголы на практике. Примеры, задания и диалоги

Радмила Шарифьянова
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Книга «Английские фразовые глаголы на практике: примеры, задания и диалоги» является эффективным пособием для изучения фразовых глаголов в английском языке. В книге содержатся многочисленные примеры использования фразовых глаголов в различных контекстах, что поможет читателю понять их значения и правильное употребление в речи. Задания и диалоги, представленные в книге, помогают закрепить полученные знания и применить их. Благодаря комплексному подходу, читатель овладеет фразовыми глаголами.


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Фразовые глаголы с bring

Bring about — вызывать, способствовать

— The new law will bring about significant changes in the industry.

— The civil rights movement brought about major social progress.

— The protests may bring about a change in policy.

— He hopes to bring about a peaceful resolution to the conflict.

— The company is working to bring about a more sustainable future.

Bring along — взять с собой, привести кого-то или что-то с собой

— Don’t forget to bring along your passport; they may ask to see it.

— She brought along her friend to the party.

— Can you please bring along some snacks for the road trip?

— He always brings his guitar along to parties.

— The team decided to bring the mascot along to the game.

Bring around — убедить, завоевать доверие

— It took some time, but eventually we were able to bring around the doubters.

— He finally brought his parents around to the idea of him studying abroad.

— The salesman was skilled at bringing customers around to his way of thinking.

— We need to bring around the skeptics if we want the project to succeed.

— The new evidence brought around many of the previously undecided voters.

Bring back — вернуть, восстановить, напомнить

— Can you please bring back the book you borrowed from me last week?

— This song brings back so many memories of my childhood.

— The government hopes to bring back jobs lost to outsourcing.

— The restoration project aims to bring back the original beauty of the building.

— Seeing her old friends brought back a flood of emotions.

Bring down — опрокинуть, свергнуть, снизить цену

— The store is bringing down prices for the sale.

— The strong winds threatened to bring down the power lines.

— The scandal brought down the politician’s career.

— The new technology has brought down the cost of production.

Bring forth — произвести, породить

— The tree brings forth fruit every year.

— The artist hopes to bring forth new ideas with her latest project.

— The company plans to bring forth a new line of products next year.

— The initiative aims to bring forth innovative solutions to social problems.

— This difficult situation has brought forth some unexpected talents.

Bring forward — выдвигать, представлять, перемещать ближе

— She was brought forward as a possible candidate for the position.

— Can we bring the meeting forward to tomorrow?

— The committee decided to bring forward the proposal for discussion.

— The company plans to bring forward their earnings report this quarter.

— The event was brought forward due to popular demand.

Bring in — привлекать, зарабатывать, вводить новшество

— The company is trying to bring in new customers with their latest marketing campaign.

— The new technology has brought in significant revenue for the company.

— The coach decided to bring in some fresh talent for the game.

— The new policy aims to bring in more investors to the country.

— The team plans to bring in a consultant to help with the project.

Bring off — успешно выполнить, добиться успеха

— It was a difficult task, but they managed to bring it off.

— Against all odds, she brought off a stunning victory in the race.

— They hope to bring off a successful launch of their new product line.

— The team was able to bring off an unexpected win in the championship.

— The company plans to bring off a successful IPO next year.

Bring on — вызвать, спровоцировать

— Eating too much sugar can bring on diabetes.

— Her criticism brought on a heated argument.

— The new policy may bring on some objections from the public.

— The stress of the job brought on some health problems for him.

— The sudden change in weather brought on a migraine.

Bring out — выпускать на рынок, обнаруживать, раскрывать

— The company is bringing out a new smartphone next month.

— The experience brought out a side of her personality that had never been seen before.

— The investigation brought out some surprising facts about the case.

— The artist is bringing out a new album later this year.

— The new law could bring out some previously hidden issues.

Bring over — перевозить, приглашать к себе

— Can you please bring over the boxes from the storage unit?

— We’re going to bring over some friends for dinner tonight.

— The company is planning to bring over a team from their overseas branch.

— He’s hoping to bring his family over from his home country.

— The charity organization is working to bring over refugees from war-torn countries.

Bring round — вернуть в сознание, убедить

— The doctor was able to bring the patient round with emergency treatment.

— It took some time, but eventually we were able to bring her round to our point of view.

— She was finally brought round to the idea of studying abroad.

— We need to bring the committee round to our proposal if we want it to be approved.

— The new evidence brought many of the previously skeptical jurors round to the prosecution’s case.

Bring through — выжить, помочь пройти через трудности

— The medical staff worked hard to bring the premature baby through safely.

— Her faith and determination helped her to bring through the difficult times.

— The support of his friends and family helped him to bring through the grief of losing his wife.

— The coach has been trying to bring the team through their recent losing streak.

— The company weathered the storm and was able to bring through the economic downturn.

Bring to — разбудить, привести в чувство; довести до сознания

— After fainting, she was quickly brought to by the medical team.

— The smell of coffee brought him to, and he realized he had fallen asleep at his desk.

— The loud noise finally brought the sleeping dog to.

— The paramedics were able to bring the drowning victim to just in time.

— The shock of the accident brought her to her senses.

Bring up — воспитывать, упоминать, поднимать тему

— He was brought up in a strict household.

— The teacher brought up the issue of bullying with her class.

— She was uncomfortable when he brought up his ex-girlfriend during their date.

— The speaker brought up some controversial topics during the conference.

— Can you bring up some more chairs from the basement?

Bring about change — вызвать изменение, способствовать изменению

— The group hopes to bring about positive change in the community.

— The new policy is expected to bring about significant changes in the industry.

— The civil rights movement brought about major social progress in the US.

— The protests may bring about a change in government policy.

— The company is working to bring about a more sustainable future for all.

Bring along with — привести вместе с другими вещами или людьми

— He brought along his guitar to the party.

— Can you please bring along your passport just in case?

— She always brings her dog along with her to work.

— They decided to bring along some snacks for the road trip.

— The team brought along their coach to the competition.

Bring aside — отвести в сторону для конфиденциального обсуждения

— She brought me aside to discuss a sensitive matter.

— The boss brought him aside to give him feedback on his performance.

— I need to bring you aside and talk to you about something important.

— The teacher brought the student aside to discuss his behavior.

— The counselor brought the teenager aside to offer support and guidance.

Bring before — представлять кого-то перед судом, комиссией

— The accused was brought before the judge for sentencing.

— The committee decided to bring the proposal before the board for approval.

— The lawyers will bring the case before a jury in a few weeks.

— The manager brought the issue before his team for discussion.

— The police brought the suspect before the witness for identification.

Bring down on — привести к несчастью или неприятности

— His reckless behavior brought down the wrath of his boss on him.

— The scandal brought down the entire organization.

— The poor decisions of the CEO brought down the company.

— The weather brought down power lines, causing widespread outages.

— His actions brought down on him the disapproval of his colleagues.

Bring forth with — сделать что-то спонтанно или быстро

— She brought forth with a suggestion to solve the problem.

— He brought forth with a new idea for the project.

— The team brought forth with a plan to win the game.

— The company brought forth with a solution to the manufacturing issue.

— She was able to bring forth with a creative response to the challenge.

Bring in line with — привести в соответствие, уравнять с чем-то

— The new policy will bring our practices in line with industry standards.

— The company is working to bring their products in line with customer demands.

— The education system needs to be brought in line with the needs of students.

— The regulations aim to bring the industry in line with environmental standards.

— The team needs to bring their performance in line with expectations.

Bring into being — создать, произвести

— The invention brought into being a whole new industry.

— The artist’s work has brought into being a new perspective on life.

— The initiative aims to bring into being an innovative solution to the problem.

— The writer’s imagination brought into being a magical world of wonder.

— The new technology has brought into being a more connected and efficient society.

Bring off with success — успешно выполнить задание

— Despite the odds, they were able to bring off the mission successfully.

— The team worked together to bring off a stunning victory in the championship.

— She was able to bring off with success the project despite the obstacles.

— The company was able to bring off with success the merger of two large corporations.

— The event organizers brought off with success a memorable and enjoyable experience for all.

Bring on board — привлекать, нанимать новых сотрудников или членов команды

— The new CEO plans to bring on board some experienced executives to help turn the company around.

— The startup is looking to bring on board some talented programmers to develop their new app.

— The band decided to bring on board a new drummer for their upcoming tour.

— The committee is trying to bring on board some respected community leaders to support their cause.

— The coach wants to bring on board some skilled players for the next season.

Bring out in — вызвать у кого-то какое-то чувство или реакцию

— The news brought out in her a sense of anger and frustration.

— The music always brings out in him a feeling of nostalgia.

— The tragedy brought out in the community a strong sense of unity and compassion.

— His actions brought out in his boss a feeling of disappointment and disbelief.

— The inspiring speech brought out in the audience a sense of hope and determination.

Bring over from — перевозить что-то или кого-то из одного места в другое

— They decided to bring over some furniture from their old house.

— The company is planning to bring over some equipment from their overseas office.

— He brought over some books from the library for the research project.

— The family brought over their dog from their home country.

— Can you please bring over some food from the store?

Bring round to — убедить кого-то в чем-то, изменить мнение

— It took some time, but eventually we were able to bring her round to our point of view.

— His argument brought round his opponent to a new perspective.

— The evidence brought round the jury to the prosecution’s case.

— The tutor was able to bring round the student to a better understanding of the subject.

— Her persistence brought round her parents to support her decision.

Bring up to speed — ознакомить с последними новостями или обновлениями

— The supervisor brought her up to speed on the latest project developments.

— The teacher brought the student up to speed on the missed lessons.

— He quickly brought himself up to speed on the new software program.

— The company is working to bring all employees up to speed on the new safety regulations.

— Can you please bring me up to speed on what happened while I was away?

Bring along into — включать кого-то в процесс или дело

— The manager wants to bring along everyone into the decision-making process.

— The teacher aims to bring along all students into the classroom discussions.

— The team leader is trying to bring along all team members into the project planning.

— The nonprofit organization wants to bring along volunteers into their mission and vision.

— The government seeks to bring along citizens into the policymaking process.

Bring out of — вывести кого-то из неприятной или опасной ситуации

— The rescue team was able to bring the hiker out of the mountain safely.

— The therapist helped her to bring herself out of depression.

— The negotiation brought the two parties out of the stalemate.

— The emergency plan enabled them to bring all employees out of the burning building.

— The support of his family and friends helped him to bring himself out of drug addiction.

Bring back to life — возродить, вернуть к жизни

— The restoration project aims to bring back to life the historical building.

— The artist’s work brings back to life the forgotten beauty of nature.

— The new technology brings back to life the extinct species.

— The charity organization works to bring back to life hope and dignity in disadvantaged communities.

— The writer’s imagination brings back to life the heroes of ancient myths.

Bring forward to — предлагать что-то раньше, чем было запланировано

— The committee decided to bring forward the proposal to the next meeting.

— The company plans to bring forward the release of their new product line by a month.

— The developer brought forward to the client some innovative design concepts.

— The government brought forward the implementation of the new policy due to urgent need.

— The team brought forward to the coach some changes in the game strategy.

Bring into play — использовать, задействовать

— The coach decided to bring into play some new tactics to win the game.

— The artist brought into play various colors and textures in her latest work.

— They need to bring into play all their expertise and experience to solve the problem.

— The company plans to bring into play new marketing channels to reach more customers.

— The teacher brings into play different teaching methods to engage students.

Bring on oneself — привлечь к себе внимание или негативные последствия

— His careless behavior brought on himself the disapproval of his colleagues.

— The politician’s controversial remarks brought on himself criticism from the media.

— Her extravagant lifestyle brought on herself financial problems.

— The athlete’s doping scandal brought on himself a suspension from competitions.

— The student’s plagiarism brought on himself a failing grade.

Bring into question — ставить под сомнение, вызывать сомнения

— The new evidence brought into question the reliability of the witness testimony.

— The investigation brought into question the integrity of the company’s management.

— The recent events brought into question the effectiveness of the government’s policies.

— The article brings into question the validity of the research findings.

— The scandal brought into question the ethics of the politician.

Bring oneself to — заставить или убедить себя что-то сделать

— She had to bring herself to ask for help when she realized she couldn’t handle the workload alone.

— He struggled to bring himself to forgive his friend for betraying him.

— The patient had to bring himself to face the reality of his illness.

— She finally brought herself to leave the toxic relationship and start anew.

— He had to bring himself to apologize for his mistake and make amends.

Bring up-to-date — обновить, привести в соответствие с последними требованиями

— The company is working to bring up-to-date all their software systems.

— The website needs to be brought up-to-date with the latest design trends.

— The curriculum needs to be brought up-to-date with the changing demands of the job market.

— The museum’s collection needs to be brought up-to-date with newly acquired artifacts.

— The equipment needs to be brought up-to-date with the latest safety regulations.

Bring a smile to — вызвать улыбку на лице кого-то

— The surprise gift from her friend brought a smile to her face.

— The funny joke brought a smile to the crowd’s faces.

— The cute puppy brought a smile to the children’s faces.

— The heartwarming story brought a smile to everyone’s faces.

— The thoughtful gesture brought a smile to his partner’s face.

О книге

Автор: Радмила Шарифьянова

Жанры и теги: Языкознание


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