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  3. Марина Юрьевна Грабарь

Английский для военных/Military English. Метод кейсов/Cases. Решения, ответы, словарь, глоссарий

Марина Юрьевна Грабарь
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Для преподавателей или самостоятельной работы студентов. Уровень английского B2. Метод кейсов. Метод конкретных ситуаций — техника обучения, использующая описание реальных ситуаций. Военный английский — это изучение и практика английского языка в контексте армии 21 века.The cases in this book all deal with specific situations. What is Military English? Military English is the study and practice of the English language in the context of the Military.

Автор: Марина Грабарь

Жанры и теги: Языкознание


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Campaign Design

A WMD-E campaign would balance key objectives and missions; strategic, operational, and tactical risks; and the joint forces needed to interdict, attack, and/or eliminate nuclear forces and sites quickly enough to minimize the risks of proliferation or use. The WMD-E maneuver scheme could adopt one or a combination of the following approaches:

— a northward movement of U.S. ground forces and RoK allies across the DMZ along one or more axes of advance; (2) the introduction of forces from the sea on one or both coasts to reduce the distances that ground forces need to advance to reach priority nuclear WMD sites; and/or (3) air maneuver operations involving airborne or air assault forces directly assaulting the highest-priority sites, with other ground forces maneuvering to meet up with these forces, and joint SOF, air, and naval forces supporting.

Intelligence Requirements.

The quality and reliability of U.S. intelligence will be critical in winnowing the number of sites to be initially assaulted, seized, and secured down to those that will best reduce the risk of WMD being leaked or employed.

For example, poor intelligence can result in forces being sent to seize and secure sites bereft of WMD

Very good intelligence could, in theory, reduce the number of sites requiring coverage, support the efficient allocation of limited resources, and reduce risk. (In practice, however, North Korean efforts to hide weapons and disguise sites may significantly diminish the effectiveness of U.S. and allied intelligence.)

Two intelligence issues complicate planning for the WMD-E mission.

— First, intelligence gaps will likely mean that critical facilities rumored or reported to exist cannot be located.

— Second, as previously noted, many weapons — particularly CWs — are likely to have been dispersed to numerous tactical operational sites that cannot be identified in advance and are not included in estimates of a country’s WMD infrastructure.

3. Parametric Analyses of WMD-E Force Requirements

We estimated WMD-E forces under different scenario assumptions that varied the following parameters:

1 • the number and sizes of WMD sites for WMD-E operations

2• force requirements dictated by the operational environment

3• the ratio of supporting forces to mission forces.

Sensitivity of Force Requirements to Operational Environments and Support Ratios The ground force requirements are presented as a function of the operating environment (Uncertain or Hostile, and level of threat) and the assumed support ratio (low, midlevel, or high), broken out by the different elements of the WMD-E mission force.

Ground force requirements for WMD-E operations in our illustrative DPRK case are presented in Figure 1.2.

Estimated forces needed for WMD-E operations could be

5. Observations on the DPRK Case Study

As described in this case study, WMD-E operations in the wake ofa collapse ofthe DPRK.

— What are the assumptions driving results?

— What does Your results suggest?

Welcome To The DPRK (Video)

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YRUncnqAJ7YDe_N8UeRdpGOwFQZq KDwy/view? usp=sh aring

О книге

Автор: Марина Грабарь

Жанры и теги: Языкознание


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Приведённый ознакомительный фрагмент книги «Английский для военных/Military English. Метод кейсов/Cases. Решения, ответы, словарь, глоссарий» предоставлен нашим книжным партнёром — компанией ЛитРес.

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