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  3. Дмитрий Эдуардович Фуфаев

Verba Art. Энциклопедия Современного Искусства/Contemporary Art Encyclopedia

Дмитрий Эдуардович Фуфаев (2020)
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Энциклопедия Современного Искусства — это издание о художниках, графиках, скульпторов, фотохудожниках и тех, кто занимается прикладным искусством. В книге собраны биографии авторов, представлены их лучшие работы и указаны контактные координаты, чтобы можно было установить контакты с художником.


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Приведённый ознакомительный фрагмент книги «Verba Art. Энциклопедия Современного Искусства/Contemporary Art Encyclopedia» предоставлен нашим книжным партнёром — компанией ЛитРес.

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We would like to present to your attention the Verba Art International Encyclopedia of Contemporary Art. This unique publication has been issued in Russia.

Why is it unique?

First, it is an electronic book in a convenient format. The e-book allows using the directory in full. Hyperlinks, videos and photos are available.

Second, it is regularly updated. An electronic book allows making additions to the Encyclopedia timely. Thus, we can introduce you to a large number of modern and interesting artists.

What sections are included in our Verba Art Encyclopedia of Contemporary Art? We shall consider creative works of all forms from painting to feature photography. This publication also includes relatively new trends of collectibles: embroidered pictures and the author’s collection dolls. The current world provides many tools for creative activity.

Our publication will acquaint you not only with recognized masters but also with young and promising professional artists who are looking for their own ways in art and experiment with new forms. Investments in works of these artists may appear profitable and over time, their can increase several hundreds-fold.

We see our task in acquainting our readers with all modern and interesting findings in the world of Art.

Truly yours,Dmitry Fufaev Editor-in-Chief

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