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  3. Джон Донн

Священные сонеты

Джон Донн
Обложка книги

«Священные сонеты» Джона Донна поразили меня мощью страстей, накалом любви, страданий, глубинами отчаянья и раскаянья. Название каждого сонета определяет его содержание.


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Holy Sonnet 6

This is my play’s last scene; here heavens appoint

My pilgrimage’s last mile; and my race,

Idly, yet quickly run, hath this last pace,

My span’s last inch, my minute’s latest point;

And gluttonous death will instantly unjoint

My body and my soul, and I shall sleep a space;

But my’ever-waking part shall see that face

Whose fear already shakes my every joint.

Then, as my soul to’heaven, her first seat, takes flight,

And earth-born body in the earth shall dwell,

So fall my sins, that all may have their right,

To where they’are bred, and would press me, to hell.

Impute me righteous, thus purg’d of evil,

For thus I leave the world, the flesh, the devil.

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