Возможно ли преодолеть сверхсветовой барьер

Валерий Жиглов, 2023

Зафиксированная астрономами мощная вспышка света, после которой произошло полное исчезновение светимости аккреционного диска, а также сверхтонкие космические взрывы коллапсирующих звезд FBOT, очевидно наилучшим образом подтверждают ранее теоретически предсказанный фотооптический эффект, связанный с преодолением сверхсветового барьера.



A powerful flash of light recorded by astronomers, after which the luminosity of the corona of the accretion disk completely disappeared, as well as ultrathin cosmic explosions of collapsing FBOT stars, obviously best confirms the previously theoretically predicted photo-optical effect associated with overcoming the superluminal barrier.

This phenomenon is associated with a jump-like rearrangement of three-dimensional space to the structure of two-dimensional space, in which photons of light, like other quantum-wave-particles, move at a speed exceeding the speed of light.

That is why black holes are a kind of transitional portals between the physical and quantum worlds, and different levels of multidimensional, two-dimensional and one-dimensional spaces simultaneously exist in the Universe, each of which has its own physical, quantum and superquantum laws, and many of them we have yet to discover.

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