Послания любви. 365 писем Ошо

Бхагаван Шри Раджниш (Ошо)

Перед вами книга, состоящая из оригинальных писем Ошо, написанных им в 1960-х годах и адресованных друзьям и ученикам. В то время Ошо только начинал свои исследования, посвященные медитации, и эти письма будут, несомненно, полезны всем искателям, которые столкнулись с трудностями первого медитативного опыта, внутренней трансформации и начальных методов достижения просветления. Речь Ошо необыкновенно поэтична. Чтобы читатель прочувствовал ритм и неповторимый стиль великого мастера, в книге, помимо перевода, приведен оригинальный английский текст. Исполненные тепла и любви, где каждая фраза наполнена глубоким смыслом, эти письма будут вашим другом и помощником в познании себя. «Суть не в том, что вы слушаете, но как вы слушаете – потому что послание повсюду, повсюду, повсюду» (ОШО). Ранее книга выходила под названием «Чашка чая. 365 писем Ошо».


Из серии: Путь мистика

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Приведённый ознакомительный фрагмент книги Послания любви. 365 писем Ошо предоставлен нашим книжным партнёром — компанией ЛитРес.

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36. Love.

I was very happy to meet you the other day.

I felt the stirrings of your heart and the longing of your soul.

You have not yet flowered as you were born to:

the seed is ready to sprout and the soil is right.

You will not have long to wait.

But now you have to work with great determination.

It is only a matter of starting the journey,

God’s gravitational pull does the rest.

37. Love.

It is good that you are forgetting the past —

it will open up an altogether new dimension of life.

To live completely in the present is freedom.

The past does not exist apart from memory

and nor does the future apart from castles in the air.

What is, is always present,

and if you start living unreservedly in the present

you live in God.

Once you are free of past and future

the mind turns empty and peaceful,

its waves die down

and what is left is limitless, endless.

This is the ocean of truth —

and may your river reach it!

P.S. I shall probably go to Ahmedabad in January,

can you come with me?

It would be good if we traveled together for a few days.

38. Love.

I am glad to see such thirst for God!

To have this thirst is a divine blessing;

where there is thirst — there the way is.

In fact, intense longing becomes the way.

God is summoning us at every moment

but because the strings of our heart are slack

we don’t echo his call.

If our eyes are closed then even if the sun is at the door

we will be in darkness;

and the sun is always at the door —

we only have to open our eyes and let it in, that’s all!

May God give you light, that’s my wish.

My love and I are always with you.

Regards to the family and love to the children.

39. Love.

I have your letter.

The wheel of the world keeps spinning

but why spin with it?

See what is behind body and mind;

that has never moved,

is not moving,

can never move,

and thou art that, tat tvam asi.

Waves lie on the surface of this ocean

but in its depths — what is there?

When the waves are taken for the ocean

it is a terrible mistake.

Look at the wheel of a bullock cart:

the wheel turns because the axle does not;

so remember your own axle,

standing, sitting, asleep or awake,

keep it in mind.

By and by, one begins to encounter

the changeless behind all change.

You have asked me about the poem.

I had a little piece read out by someone,

then it came to me: I should hear it from you yourself!

Now when you read it out to me I shall listen —

and then I can read both you and your poem.

40. Love.

I received your letter on my return.

I welcome this birth of determination in you.

Such strength of will alone

takes us to truth.

Our deepest powers are aroused by it,

the unorganized energy becomes organized

and then there is music.

What tremendous energy exists in this atom of self!

But it can’t be known without utter intensity of will.

You must have seen rocks

that even the strongest chisel cannot break,

and yet the sprouting shrub or plant

slips cracks and crevices through it so easily!

When the tiniest seed is filled with determination

to push through and reach the sun,

even the hardest rock has to give way.

So a weak seed wins over the mighty rocks!

The tender seed breaks through the hardest of rocks!

Why? Because no matter

how strong and powerful the rock,

it is dead,

and because it is dead it has no will.

The seed is tender,

it is weak,

but alive!

Remember, where there is will there is life

and where there is no will there is no life.

The seed’s will becomes its power,

and with this power

its tiny roots sprout,

enter the rock and spread out,

until one day they break the rock.

Life always wins over death.

The living force within has never been defeated

by the dead obstacles without — and never will be.

41. Love.

Your letter was received with joy.

When the heart thirsts so much

for truth,

for peace,

for religion,

one day you come face to face with the sun

which dispels all life’s darkness.





A journey of a thousand miles is covered

step by small step,

so don’t lose heart.

Vast distances can be covered one step at a time

and an ocean filled drop by drop.

My regards to all.

I shall be coming soon now.

The rest when we meet.

42. Love.

Your letter has arrived.

You ask me about sex.

That energy too belongs to God

and through meditation it too can be transformed.

No energy is bad but there can, of course,

be wrong use of energy.

When sex energy flows upwards

it turns into brahmacharya (godly behavior).

It is good that you are becoming detached from it

but that isn’t enough.

You have to go through it to transform it,

rejection just leaves you arid and dry!

It is true you are not alone in your sex life

but sex is not essentially of the body at all

but a modification of the mind.

If the mind is completely transformed

it affects the other person too,

and one who is related so intimately

is quickly affected.

Until we meet, keep in mind that:

there should be no calculated ill-will towards sex —

cultivated detachment is useless.

Stay aware whilst making love,

be a witness in this situation;

if one can stay

in a state of meditation and right-mindfulness

then the sex energy can be successfully transformed.

We shall talk more about this when we meet.

Brahmacharya is a complete science in itself

and many doors to bliss open on that path.

Still, the very first thing is

a friendly attitude towards all one’s energies.

Enmity towards them does not lead to spiritual revolution

but to self-destruction.

Give my regards to all there.

You are not coming to Pune — I shall miss you.

43. Love.

You have asked me about the sense of humor.

We can talk about it in detail when we meet

but first of all:

the sense of humor should be directed towards oneself —

it is a very great thing to laugh at oneself

and he who can laugh at himself

gradually becomes full of concern

and compassion for others.

In the entire world no event,

no subject, invites laughter

like oneself.

About the truth of dreams as well

we shall have to talk in detail.

Some dreams are definitely true.

As the mind quietens down

glimpses of truth begin to appear in dreams.

Dreams are of four kinds

— those concerned with past lives,

— those concerned with the future,

— those concerned with the present,

— and those concerned with repressed desires.

Contemporary psychology knows something

about the fourth type only.

I am glad to know

that your mind moves towards being at peace.

Mind is what we want it to be,

peace and restlessness are both our own creations.

Man binds himself with his own chains

and so he is always at liberty to become free of the mind.



Из серии: Путь мистика

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Приведённый ознакомительный фрагмент книги Послания любви. 365 писем Ошо предоставлен нашим книжным партнёром — компанией ЛитРес.

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