Упражнения на разницу времен в английском

Артем Тюльников, 2023

Перед вами сборник упражнений на тренировку разницы времен в английском языке. Он поможет вам научиться лучше отличать времена. После выполнения всех заданий, вы сможете правильно использовать нужное время.


Present Simple и Present Continuous #4

А теперь сделайте эти предложения отрицательными и вопросительными.


1. Her car is not very expensive / Is her car very expensive?

2. They are not climbing this mountain right now / Are they climbing this mountain right now?

3. He doesn't live in Moscow / Does he live in Moscow?

4. They are writing an interesting book now / Are they writing an interesting book now?

5. She doesn't like flowers / Does she like flowers?

6. At the moment she's not planting flowers in her garden / Is she planting flowers in her garden at the moment?

7. She doesn't know much about flowers / Does she know much about flowers?

8. He's not preparing for the test at the moment / Is he preparing for the test at the moment?

9. I am not a very responsible person / Am I a very responsible person?

10. They are not playing football right now / Are they playing football right now?

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