Table of contents
SUMMARY ____ 12
Chapter I.
Introduction. Tacitus and its era ___ 18
1. Time and space in the scientific tradition
2. The era of the life and works of Tacitus: Russian and European Studies
3. The era of Tacitus: the historical and cultural context of the time of the early empire
Chapter II
Chronotopus of Principatus: Theoretical and Methodological Substantiation of the Concept ___ 61
Chapter III
Time and space in the picture of the world of the Romans I — the beginning of the II century AD. ___ 83
1. Images of the past, present and future in the picture of the world of the Romans
2. The problem is the direction of time
3. The «center-periphery» dichotomy
4. The vertical of the world: upper — middle — lower «worlds»
5. The dichotomy «the world of nature — the Roman society»
Chapter IV
Time and space as the coordinates of the social reality of the early principatus __ 148
1. Sacred time and sacred space. Everyday time and space
2. The time and space of war and peace
3. Time and space of public and private life
4. Individual time and individual space. The boundaries of individual time. Family and family time and space
Chapter V.
Time and space in the historical philosophy of Tacitus _ 195
1. Images of past, present and future
2. The motive of «moral damage»
3. Images of terrestrial space
Conclusion ___ 245
Glossary ___ 254
Bibliographic list __ 263
Attachment 1 ___ 280
The concept of «time.» «Historical Time» in Ancient Rome: Historiography
Attachment 2 ___ 292
Updating the concepts of «time» and «space» in the structure of mythological thinking in the Russian scientific literature
Attachment 3 ___ 328
The problem of the methodology of studying mentality in the human mind of the pre-industrial era
Attachment 4 ___ 339
The dichotomy of the mythological and ordinary-rational in the religious beliefs of the Romans