Учебное пособие предназначено для студентов высших учебных заведений. Содержит 12 разделов личной тематики, направленных на изучение идиоматических выражений и паремий английского языка.
Приведённый ознакомительный фрагмент книги «Idioms and Proverbs on Personal Issues. Учебное пособие» предоставлен нашим книжным партнёром — компанией ЛитРес.
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Guess Russian equivalents of the idioms by the pictures given
Other useful idioms and their explanation
In one’s joy — owing to some pleasant event
Smth goes down a treat — smth that pleases
Smth is a bed of roses — a situation or activity that is comfortable or easy
To be a fair treat — to look/ be wonderful, excellent
To be in alt — to be in an elevated mood, in a state of elation
To be (as) pleased as Punch — to feel great delight or pride
To do smb’s heart good — to make smb glad or happy
To enjoy one’s life — to live in a carefree way
To get one’s jollies — to have fun to the full
To look on the bright side of things — to be hopeful about the future
To make good cheer — to have a great fun
To one’s heart’s content — until one is perfectly satisfied
Joy shared is joy doubled — разделенная радость — двойная радость.
A man of gladness seldom falls into madness — кто в радости живет, того и кручина неймет.
The more the merrier — где потеснее, там и веселее.
He that is ill to himself will be good to nobody — себе не в сладость, другим не в радость.
Good company upon the road is the shortest cut — с хорошим попутчиком и дорога короче.
2.1 Combine the words from the box below to make seven idioms. Use each word once only.
2.2 Which idioms do the given pictures make you think of?
2.3 Complete each idiom in the following sentences.
1. You should try that café’s numerous healthy and delicious menu items to get………….. pleasure.
2. Ben enjoyed a delicious lunch of seafood, extremely tasty pizza and artfully designed fruit dish to………….. content.
3. A muscle-soothing massage, a calming manicure and pedicure went………….. treat.
4. We………….. jollies by dancing the night away, listening to jazz music and singing our hearts out at Karaoke.
5. The festival, featuring 200 productions ranging from dramas to musical extravaganzas to kids shows, was………….. treat.
6. Jack and Alice made………….. at the well known as Berlin’s best party bar.
7. Bill was………….. Punch at the Hard Rock night club.
8. Everybody loves being in his company.………….. gladness seldom falls……………
2.4 Rewrite each sentence using the word in brackets.
1. Troy was very glad to live in close proximity to the beach. (JOLLY)
2. Enjoying herself in the heart of Chinatown, Jessie forgot that her friends had been waiting for her in the Art Gallery. (JOY)
3. Ron was in a good mood that day. That’s why he didn’t notice how his home football team lost the match. (ALT)
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Приведённый ознакомительный фрагмент книги «Idioms and Proverbs on Personal Issues. Учебное пособие» предоставлен нашим книжным партнёром — компанией ЛитРес.
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