Gemini. Zodiac

Angel Wight

This book tell about the 3th sign of Zodiac. Gemini are intelligent, talking, friendly, charmming, popular. We invite you join to our Russian – British project and tell about yourself:


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The sign of Gemini

Element: Air

Quality: Mutable

Simbol: The Twins

Planet: Mercury

Gemini is the third sign of the zodiac. It is ruled by Mercury, the planet that represents communication, writing, and movement. The sign of Gemini belongs to the element of Air. The Mutable Air of Gemini is the agent of the exchange. That which has been concentrated must now be distributed. This air is alive, without which reproduction could not occur. The air is full of activity. Pollen blows in the warm air, insects buzz and butterflies flit. The task of Gemini of weaving an information network for the cross fertilization that is essential if life is to reproduce itself. Before our eyes the marriage of heaven and earth is happening. The soltstice approaches. During these long days, the Sun is at its highest in the sky.

Professions of Gemini are writers, journalists, teachers, secretaries, сommercial agents and sales representatives. They might also work in the communications industry. Their work are usually connected with intellectual activity, in which their mental skills can be exercised.

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