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Fairy tales about Nuta. For little children and their parents

Natalia Volokhina
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Книга для чтения на английском языке. Русскоязычный вариант представлен во второй части. Интересные сказки со смыслом. Ненавязчивое воспитание детей и их родителей.

Автор: Natalia Volokhina

Жанры и теги: Книги для детей


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Nuta as a painter

Once upon a time there was a girl named Nuta. She had very kind and nice parents, but the thing was that they didn’t like painting.

Nuta used to draw spoons, forks, plates and cups on the kitchen — door, as if they were real, but her mother got angry all the time:

— You spoilt the door, why?

Nuta wanted to make a surprise for her father and drew a cat named Vasiliy on his desk. But father said angrily:

— Who drew this stupid cat?

Nuta painted a bunch of flowers, right opposite the front door, on the wall paper, but parents got furious and punished her. Well, they didn’t have any sense of art.

Once Nuta was crying in the corner while her parents were speaking in the living-room angrily. After it father went to the shop and brought some new wall paper, as white as snow. They papered walls in Nuta’s bedroom. Nuta was so surprised that she apologized early than usually. She wanted to have a look at this white miracle. Her father gave her new crayons and said:

«You can paint your the walls yourself».

«What? Paint on the walls? With these crayons?»

«Yes, right on the walls».

«Really? And I can draw whatever I want to!?»

«Whatever you want!» greed her father. «But let’s have a deal: you will draw only in your bedroom.»

«I don’t need other rooms. I have so much place to draw here», said Nuta happily.

Since that day Nuta invited her parents into her bedroom to an art exhibition.

They started to love art, and Nuta’s father learned how to paper walls.

О книге

Автор: Natalia Volokhina

Жанры и теги: Книги для детей


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Приведённый ознакомительный фрагмент книги «Fairy tales about Nuta. For little children and their parents» предоставлен нашим книжным партнёром — компанией ЛитРес.

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