Marina E. di Cervini is a distinguished writer, documentary producer, speaker, lawyer, and coach, with a career spanning over three decades. Her work explores themes of love, identity, resilience, and humanity’s intricate connection to the world, blending timeless storytelling with universal truths. Her debut in the trilogy, FOLLOW YOUR HEART, introduces Françoise de Chambord, a heroine of remarkable depth and courage. Set against a rich tapestry of cultural and emotional landscapes, this luminous tale examines the delicate balance between personal desires and destiny, inviting readers into a journey of profound self-discovery. The journey continues in Marina’s second book, "MY WAY", and concludes with the powerful "THE PRESIDENT’S ADVISER", both of which deepen her exploration of resilience, leadership, and the enduring pursuit of purpose. Marina E. di Cervini’s storytelling is a celebration of the human spirit, offering readers a profound connection to life’s most essential truths.
Приведённый ознакомительный фрагмент книги «Follow your heart» предоставлен нашим книжным партнёром — компанией ЛитРес.
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“There are poisons that seep through the soul, silent yet all-consuming. They speak in whispers, but their echoes are deafening.”
Envy, fear, frailty, pain —
The heart beats beneath this shadowed strain.
Venomous words spill ash and fire,
The tongue, a blade, reveals its ire.
Pain tears apart the soul inside,
Subduing the living with each tide.
A single glance of jealous spite,
And the spirit falls to endless night.
A darkened cell enshrouds the brow,
Eclipsing all with solemn vow.
The sunbeam falters, lost, denied,
Where once the pathways opened wide.
Compassion stirs for hearts that bleed,
For souls ensnared by hollow greed.
Through circles they wander, bound and blind,
By burdens of their own design.
Приведённый ознакомительный фрагмент книги «Follow your heart» предоставлен нашим книжным партнёром — компанией ЛитРес.
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