Test 1 to reveal your compatibility and mutual understanding in love, temperament, marriage and family life

Leon Angel

If you want to know yourself and your partner better then complete the test! If you don’t want to be disappointed in your future family life then complete the test! If you don’t want to waste your life on unproductive relationship then complete the test! If you want to become healthy, rich and wise then complete the test! God loves us all!


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Приведённый ознакомительный фрагмент книги Test 1 to reveal your compatibility and mutual understanding in love, temperament, marriage and family life предоставлен нашим книжным партнёром — компанией ЛитРес.

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© Leon Angel, 2017

ISBN 978-5-4483-7546-0

Создано в интеллектуальной издательской системе Ridero


to reveal your compatibility and mutual understanding in love, temperament, marriage and family life.

What this test is for:

This test is very important for partners who want to build a closer relationship or start a family. The test allows you to better understand your partner’s personality in love, temperament, marriage and family, and their approach to life in general and to you in particular, to assess your prospects and how deep the development of your relationship is.

Why this is important to you:

Конец ознакомительного фрагмента.

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Приведённый ознакомительный фрагмент книги Test 1 to reveal your compatibility and mutual understanding in love, temperament, marriage and family life предоставлен нашим книжным партнёром — компанией ЛитРес.

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