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When stones cry. Когда плачут камни

Hanna Daysi
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I had a happy childhood. I could live happy. But they took my happiness. They took my house. I put my heart in stone and started to kill, kill… But for you it was not enough. You took my memory, my parent’s graves. But I do not give up to.У меня было счастливое детство. Я могла бы жить счастливо. Но у меня забрали счастье. У меня забрали мой дом. Я одела свое сердце в камень. И начала убивать, убивать… Но вам и этого было мало. Вы забрали мою память — могилы моих родителей…


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© Hanna Daysi, 2019

ISBN 978-5-4496-8401-1

Создано в интеллектуальной издательской системе Ridero

When stones cry

What is the secret of this old tower,

Which survived people and centuries?

Noble and powerful

The hand has conquered the stones.

We caressed the cold stones,

Heated hearth sore chest…

The symbol of the spirit is the Ingush tower,

Beacon illuminated the way.

She did not fall mad

Not bent your stone camp.

Only quietly moaned in the wind,

When they were driving people to Kazakhstan.

And when we returned home,

Like a gentle, kind mother,

Gathering children at the foot,

To tell your grief…

There are graves in faraway Bishkek…

It is heavy, chilly in them to all mothers.

Dear them more often Ingush tower,

Sing to them the song of running stream.

Chases us to rock a hell of a circle..

How many were there in our fate!!!!

We put our hearts in stones

Having become like a tower.

Ingush Tower

Written by Maryam Lyanova.


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Приведённый ознакомительный фрагмент книги «When stones cry. Когда плачут камни» предоставлен нашим книжным партнёром — компанией ЛитРес.

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