One person can lead the horse to water, but even forty people can’t make it drink.
The Aryan civilization… The Vedas…
For thousands of years, this mystery attracted minds of the greatest thinkers of mankind. Many nations tried on these beautiful attires and the same number of nations suffered defeat after touching this eminent ideology. One cannot dally with the Aryan concept; it is a holy thing which shall be treated reverently to unveil its mysteries merged with eternity.
The value system of the Aryan civilization and its history are described in the Vedas, the Puranas, the Mahabharata and the Shrimad-Bhagavatam. These scriptures were composed five thousand years ago by the great ascetic Shrila Vyasadeva, the incarnation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. We are sure that for traditional Christian nations this truth is unacceptable as they do not admit that in this world God can have other incarnations than Christ. Anyway, every book gives the exhaustive information about itself. According to this information, in the world there is no any other most ancient and complete ideology than the Aryans’. Straight away we need to express a reservation that it is not our purpose to prove in our book the ancientry of the Vedas compared to other scriptures because neither ancientry nor the ethic background can be the criteria for perfection. The standpoint can be very ancient but absolutely incorrect or unacceptable for today’s realities. For instance, the Aryan society had the external structure which can be hardly applicable today due to the modern high technology and the life style dictated by this technology. When approaching the Aryan civilization, typically know-nothing people take this very external structure. They, thus, conclude that being an Aryan is the matter of origin or being an Aryan means to be brave and predominant over the rest. And to achieve these, it is enough to have the white skin, the relevant scaffold of skull and so on. According to opinions of such people, the nation which will prove its Aryan origin owing to the “superiority” of its blood will get the right to instruct others and seal their fate.
To put it mildly, this conception is not very correct. Being an Aryan is not a matter of origins but of life style. Those unable to get the insight of the psychology of this life style do not understand what it means to be an Aryan. We will try to present to our readers the basics of the philosophical concept of the Aryan civilization and implied social and public traditions, will try to describe those requirements which were laid out by the Aryans for members of different social classes and then it will be up to the reader to decide if he/she is an Aryan or wishes to be an Aryan.
Any civilization is connected with the prevailing ideology by invisible strings. In return, the ideology should as much as possible address in detail the set of the following issues:
1) How did life originate?
2) What is the meaning of life?
3) What laws govern the material world?
4) How to extend life?
5) How to build a society where everybody could be happy?
6) Why are all living beings born in different conditions?
7) How to protect lucky people from envy and intrigues of unlucky ones?
8) How to protect unlucky people from contempt and violence of lucky ones?
9) What social framework is required for the right interaction in human society?
10) What purpose does the community development serve?
11) What is death and how to meet it?
12) Is there anything beyond the death strip?
The answers on these questions become the basis for the behavior both of each individual and society in general.
On the one hand, one can say that to sustain the existence a living being (or a nation) should ensure:
1) food,
2) rest,
3) reproduction,
4) protection.
To achieve these four conditions of existence, all living beings behave differently. What does the choice of this behavior depend on? The experience shows that this choice determines the further destiny both of an individual and society in general, and the answers on the raised questions have a great impact on aspects of the behavioral choice. In this respect, the Aryan culture is of great interest as it possesses the complete philosophical concept for dealing with the above mentioned questions
We will try to present the Aryan philosophy, the system of values and the social and public structure in order to understand their psychology with the resultant life style.