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  3. Angel Wight

Звезды о звездах

Angel Wight
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Angel Wight — автор множества статей в журналах и газетах на астрологическую тему. Angel считает, что солнце, планеты и звезды влияют на человека больше, чем это можно предположить. Звездное небо… Нет в природе картины более величественной и прекрасной! Небо притягивает наши взоры и пробуждает тягу к исследованиям. Присоединяйтесь к русско-британскому проекту «Зодиак», присылайте свои фотографии и участвуйте в создании этого альманаха.


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Taurus: «I can!»

The end of spring is a time of awakening in nature. It is the time of Taurus. Their planet is Venus, which encourages a peaceful nature and gives them the ability to appreciate beauty. It gives them sensuality and tenderness. But do not swing before their eyes a red cloth, which will abuse their patience. Do not forget that there is nothing worse than an angry bull. Taurus is an earth sign. They do not soar in to the clouds, and are stable on their feet, clearly knowing what they need in life.

They possess a character that is emotional, although outwardly giving the impression of a calm and balanced person. They are really hot-tempered and aggressive. They have a hard time adjusting to something new, and they are often moody and forthright in their opinions. They have characteristics of tenacity, persistence and curiosity.

They often have a domineering nature, and can be dictatorial, selfish and go to extremes.

Communication with Taurus can be uncompromising. However, increasing the pressure will result in an increase in resistance. The more you push, the more he will resist.

They like luxury and pleasure. Money is needed for peace of mind and they have weaknesses for good food, comfort and other small pleasures in life.

Their love rarely changes. They are characterized by constancy and fidelity. They are reliable, but jealous.

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