Изучение английского языка лучше всего начать с чтения английских легенд, так как это носит не только развлекательный характер, но и знакомит читателя с культурными особенностями тех или иных народов. В данное издание вошли такие знаменитые легенды как «Боевульф», «Леди Годива», «Принцесса Кентербери» и многие другие. Тексты адаптированы для начинающих изучение английского языка (уровень Al, A2) и сопровождаются комментариями, упражнениями и словарем. В формате PDF A4 сохранен издательский макет книги.
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Lady Godiva[12]
Some 900 years ago an extraordinary occurrence took place on Market Day in the English midlands town of Coventry[13].
Lady Godiva was the wife of Earl Leofric of Mercia[14], one of the most powerful men in England. Earl Leofric was one of the all-powerful lords who ruled England under the Danish King Canute[15]. Lady Godiva was a wealthy and powerful woman. Lady Godiva was a rich landowner in her own right and one of her most valuable properties was Coventry.
Leofric was a tyrant, he tyrannised the Church and did not hold the same religious convictions as his wife.
The Earl’s taxes were very high, and people in Coventry was very upset about it. So the people were burdened terribly by taxes. Lady Godiva took pity on the people of Coventry, who were suffering grievously under her husband’s oppressive taxation. Lady Godiva begged her husband to lower the taxes many times, but he never agreed to. Lady Godiva appealed again and again to her husband, who obstinately refused to remit the tolls.
In order to arrange for tax relief, she needled her husband Leofric at every opportunity until one day he made her a rash promise. Finally, the Earl told Lady Godiva that if she rode through the streets completely naked, he would grant her request and lower the taxes:
“Mount your horse, and ride naked, before all the people, through the market of the town, from one end to the other, and on your return you shall have your request[16].”
Clearly Leofric meant it as a joke for he considered his wife to be practically a religious woman. The very idea that Godiva would agree to his challenge took him completely by surprise. He was quite sure that his demure, modest wife would never do such a thing.
But Godiva thought that her nudity would be interpreted as a sign of her humility and repentance before God. She was not ashamed of her nudity. On Leofric’s words Godiva replied:
“But will you give me permission, if I am willing to do it?”
“I will,” said he.
So great was Godiva’s compassion for the people of Coventry that she overcame her horror of doing this. The Countess sent a message through town that told everyone to close their shutters and stay indoors. Then she loosed her hair and let down her tresses, which covered the whole of her body like a veil, and then mounting her horse and attended by two knights, she rode through the market-place, without being seen[17], except her fair legs. So Godiva rode through town only clothed by her hair. She rode through the silent streets unseen by the people, who had obeyed her command because of their respect for her.
When she had completed the journey, she returned with gladness to her astonished husband, and obtained of him what she had asked. The Earl gave in and lowered the taxes of the town: he freed the town of Coventry and its inhabitants from the service, and confirmed what he had done by a charter.
However, only one man was unable to resist the temptation to peep at the Countess. It was a tailor named Tom who drilled a hole through his shutters, so that he might see Godiva pass[18]. He caught a glimpse of Lady Godiva, and before he could satisfy his gaze he was struck blind[19]. He was blinded by the wrath of Heaven. This is where the phrase “Peeping Tom[20]” for a voyeur[21] comes from. Tom’s nickname has become synonymous with pervert[22].
Leofric was forced to pretend the whole thing was a miracle, which in a way it was, since almost no one did see her nudity. But the worst thing about this was that he had to grant the tax break.
Lady Godiva, as Countess of Mercia, had personal charge over the good people of Coventry. Her name Godiva is the Latin form of the Saxon name Godgifu or Godgyfu, meaning God’s gift. There were many celebrations to remember Lady Godiva’s courage. A pageant is held annually in Coventry[23] to re-enact Lady Godiva’s original route through the town.
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