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  3. Радмила Шарифьянова

Teens Speak English. Тексты и задания на английском языке для подростков

Радмила Шарифьянова
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Книга «Teens Speak English: тексты и задания на английском языке для подростков» представляет собой уникальный подход к изучению английского языка. В ней собраны тексты, написанные специально для подростков, которые помогут им легко и интересно освоить язык. Каждый текст сопровождается упражнениями на понимание прочитанного, а также вопросами для обсуждения. Для всех заданий приведены примерные ответы, что позволит самостоятельно проверить свои знания.


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The Benefits of Travel for Teenagers

Travel can be a transformative experience for teenagers, allowing them to explore new cultures, build independence and confidence, and gain valuable life experiences. Whether it’s a trip to a nearby city or a journey across the globe, travel offers unique learning opportunities that can’t be replicated in a classroom.

One of the main benefits of travel for teenagers is the chance to step outside their comfort zone and try new things. This might include trying new foods, speaking a different language, or navigating unfamiliar transportation systems. These experiences can help teens develop problem-solving skills and build resilience.

Travel also provides a chance for teenagers to bond with family members or friends in a new setting. Sharing new experiences and making memories together can strengthen relationships and create lifelong connections.

Additionally, travel can broaden a teenager’s perspective on the world and expose them to different ways of life. It can also foster a sense of empathy and compassion for people from different backgrounds.

While travel can be expensive, there are many budget-friendly options available for teenagers. Hostels and homestays offer affordable accommodations, while public transit and walking tours can provide low-cost transportation and sightseeing options.

In conclusion, travel can be an invaluable experience for teenagers, offering opportunities for personal growth, relationship-building, and broadening perspectives. With careful planning and consideration, even those on a tight budget can benefit from the many rewards of travel.


Transformative — трансформирующий

Explore — исследовать

Independence — независимость

Confidence — уверенность

Life experiences — жизненный опыт

Journey — путешествие

Learning opportunities — возможности для изучения

Replicated — воссозданный

Comfort zone — зона комфорта

Problem-solving skills — навыки решения проблем

Resilience — устойчивость

Bond — связь

Broaden a teenager’s perspective — расширить перспективы подростка

Expose — представлять, выставлять на показ

Empathy — эмпатия

Compassion — сострадание

Budget-friendly — бюджетный

Homestays — проживание у жильцов

Public transit — общественный транспорт

Sightseeing — осмотр достопримечательностей


Task 1 (Beginner):

What are some benefits of travel for teenagers?

a) learning opportunities

b) staying at home all the time

c) playing video games

Task 2 (Intermediate):

What are some budget-friendly options for teenagers who want to travel?

a) hostels and homestays

b) luxury hotels

c) private transportation

Task 3 (Advanced):

How can travel foster empathy and compassion in teenagers? Provide examples from the text.

Task 4 (Advanced):

Write an essay discussing the impact of travel on personal growth and development for teenagers. Use specific examples from the text and your own experiences or research to support your argument.

Sample answers

Task 1 (Beginner):

Answer: a) learning opportunities

Task 2 (Intermediate):

Answer: a) hostels and homestays

Task 3 (Advanced):

Answer: Travel exposes teenagers to different ways of life and can challenge their preconceived notions and biases. For example, visiting a developing country may highlight the struggles and challenges faced by those living in poverty, leading to a greater understanding and empathy for others. Additionally, interacting with people from different cultures can provide insight into their beliefs and values, encouraging a more tolerant and compassionate worldview.

Task 4 (Advanced):

Answer: The experience of travel can have a significant impact on the personal growth and development of teenagers. Exposure to new environments and situations can increase adaptability, independence, and problem-solving skills. Travel can also provide opportunities for self-reflection and introspection, helping teenagers to discover their passions and interests. Additionally, encountering diverse perspectives and cultures can broaden their understanding of the world and foster empathy and compassion. Overall, travel has the potential to positively shape a teenager’s identity and future trajectory.

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