Данное учебное пособие предназначено для развития коммуникативных навыков у широкого круга лиц, изучающих английский язык. Оно включает в себя 20 смешных историй с упражнениями к ним.
Приведённый ознакомительный фрагмент книги «Английский язык. 20 смешных историй для обсуждения и пересказа» предоставлен нашим книжным партнёром — компанией ЛитРес.
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Jack and the flowers
It was the first of September. It was the beginning of the new school year. Parents were taking their children to school.
Jack had a very special day because it was his first day in first grade. It was early in the morning and the whole family was helping the boy prepare for his school day. The grandmother made a delicious breakfast, the mother ironed his suit and shirt and the father helped his son pack his school bag.
The morning was cloudy and rainy. Once the whole family got dressed before leaving the house, the grandmother took the flowers from the vase that she had picked for the teacher. The flowers had not blossomed yet and had buds, which surprised Jack a lot. Looking at the flowers in amazement, he asked:
— Grandma, why do we give flowers with buds to the teacher?
— So that they last longer in the vase, — she answered.
He thought for a moment and then said:
— Then we have to give her seeds!
beginning — начало
school year — учебный год
to prepare for — готовиться
delicious — вкусный
breakfast — завтрак
to iron — гладить (утюгом)
suit — костюм
shirt — рубашка
to pack a school bag — собирать портфель
cloudy — пасмурный, облачный
rainy — дождливый
to get dressed — одеваться
to pick — срывать
to blossom — распускаться
bud — бутон
to surprise — удивлять
in amazement — удивлённо
to give — дарить
to think — думать, размышлять
seed — семя
Answer the questions:
1) On what date did the story take place?
2) Why was this a special day for Jack?
3) What did the whole family do early in the morning? What did the grandmother do? What did the mother do? What did the father do?
4) What was the weather like in the morning?
5) What did the grandmother do after the whole family got dressed before leaving the house?
6) Who picked the flowers for the teacher?
7) What were the flowers like? How did Jack feel when he saw them?
8) What did he ask?
9) What did the grandmother say?
10) What did Jack suggest at the end of the story?
Express the same in English:
1) особенный день;
2) готовиться к учебному дню;
3) вкусный завтрак;
4) недолго думать;
5) гладить костюм и рубашку;
6) дарить семена;
7) пасмурное и дождливое утро;
8) перед выходом из дома;
9) начало учебного года;
10) собирать портфель;
11) одеваться;
12) срывать цветы;
13) распускаться;
14) бутоны;
15) смотреть удивлённо;
16) дарить цветы;
17) первый день в первом классе.
Retell the story.
Приведённый ознакомительный фрагмент книги «Английский язык. 20 смешных историй для обсуждения и пересказа» предоставлен нашим книжным партнёром — компанией ЛитРес.
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