1. книги
  2. Историческая литература
  3. Ванда Михайловна Петрова


Ванда Михайловна Петрова (2022)
Обложка книги

На русском языке книга «Россия». Вся книга на двух языках: русский, белорусский и в транслитерации с оригинального русского языка для читателей иностранцев; частично: эсперанто, французский, английский, немецкий. Книга «Россия»: проза, стихи, 100% кинематографична.


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The entire book is in two languages:



and in transliteration; partially:







This planet is lovely sweetheart

I'll get around with Human strength

And for earthlings — in the universal vastness

I will save the bridge to — Human tenderness

From the author

My Russia!

In the sky there is a wedge of two winged lines,

The cranes are flying, beckoning me…

I would become a Blue bird for you,

My Great Motherland!

I am strong with you, my Fatherland,

And soul and heart and mind.

Without you, Russia, I have no life,

You, my dear, are my safe home.

Dear beloved Russia,

I am your caring daughter.

I would become a Blue bird for you,

To help you in all matters.

Fairy tale in reality — my homeland

And the cricket plays — the first violin,

And kindness hurries to me with a smile,

Fairy tale in reality — my homeland.

The first verse and refrain of the song rom a play written in prose and poetry.

Russian Powers sons!

1 couplet

We, of the Russian Powers sons!

Born for the oath of valor!

We know — the Motherland really needs

Our courage, strength and resilience!


Flag of the Russian Powers —

Symbol of honor and glory

Proudly flying over the Great Country!

And the glory of the Fatherland

We multiply by right

Service of faithful in the army Russia native!


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Приведённый ознакомительный фрагмент книги «Россия» предоставлен нашим книжным партнёром — компанией ЛитРес.

Купить и скачать полную версию книги в форматах FB2, ePub, MOBI, TXT, HTML, RTF и других

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