1. книги
  2. Учебная литература
  3. Валерий Ларченко

Сказки о животных. Давайте читать по-английски!

Валерий Ларченко
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The book is composed so that first the text is in English, and then the Russian text follows.This method is one of the most effective methods of learning a foreign language. As soon as you start reading, you already understand the meaning of what is written.Книга составлена так, что сначала текст на английском, а далее следует русский текст.Такой метод — один из самых эффективных методов изучения иностранного языка. Лишь начав читать, вы уже понимаете смысл написанного.


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Once, hens walked in the yard. Cluck-cluck! They pecked grains, dag in the garbage, and seek out bugs and worms.

Suddenly a fox appears at the fence, the red sly fox. The fox saw hens and licked his lips.

— Hello, hens-beauties! — The fox sings in a sweet voice.

— Hello to you, unknown, red, beast, cluck, cluck! — Hens reply.

— Let’s go to live with me, — the fox admonishes in a sweet treacly voice.

— I have green emerald lawns around my house. And worms in the ground in there are numerous.

— And what a spacious house I have, unlike your old chicken coop. And the kitchen in the house is such! — Spreads fox his paws widely to the sides.

Конец ознакомительного фрагмента.

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