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Новости из прошлого на английском языке. Английский язык. Выпуск №2

Анна Пигарёва
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Данный сборник предназначен тем, кто уже изучал английский язык в школе, колледже, университете или учится сейчас. Новостные сообщения, содержащиеся в нем, взяты из разных выпусков газеты «THE MOSCOW TIMES» за 2012 год. Проработка предлагаемого сборника позволит вам повысить свой словарный запас в правильном направлении, то есть запомнить те слова, которые действительно часто встречаются в газетах, интернете. К каждому сообщению прилагается отдельный словарь, что удобно для чтения и запоминания.


  • Такими разными были новости в 2012 году

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Приведённый ознакомительный фрагмент книги «Новости из прошлого на английском языке. Английский язык. Выпуск №2» предоставлен нашим книжным партнёром — компанией ЛитРес.

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© Анна Пигарёва, 2019

ISBN 978-5-4496-6842-4

Создано в интеллектуальной издательской системе Ridero

Такими разными были новости в 2012 году

Rat falls on Moscow cafe patron


A customer at a popular Moscow cafe on Nizhnyaya Radishchevskaya Ulitsa had a rat fall on his head from a hatch in the ceiling in February.

The cafe management refused to compensate him for moral and physical damage, but the businessman, identified only as Dedyura, won more than 100,000 rubles ($3,000) in compensation in court, Rossiiskaya Gazeta reported. The rat bit and scratched the businessman, and he had to go to the hospital for stitches and rabies and tetanus shots.

Dedyura demanded 500,000 rubles in compensation, but the cafe management ignored his claims and even the court summons. The court also issued the cafe a fine of 53,450 rubles. The Federal Consumer Protection Service issued a warrant to close the cafe after an investigation.

Bite (bit, bitten) Кусать

Ceiling Потолок

Claim (n) Претензия, требование

Consumer Потребитель

Court summon Вызов в суд

Customer Клиент

Damage Ущерб, урон

Demand Требовать

Even Даже

Fall (fell, fallen) Падать

Fine Штраф

Hatch Люк

In court В суде

Investigation Расследование

Issue (v) Выдавать, издавать

Rabies Бешенство

Rat Крыса

Refuse Отказывать

Scratch Царапать

Stitch Стежок, шов

Tetanus shot Укол от столбняка

Warrant Предписание

Win (won, won) Выигрывать

A woman survived


A woman survived being struck by the propeller of an Antonov An-24 aircraft with severe injuries at the Krasnoyarsk airport Thursday.

The incident occurred Thursday morning as the plane’s engines were started for a flight to Kodinsk, a representative of the West Siberian Transportation Prosecutor’s Office told RIA-Novosti.

Despite a warning from a technician, the woman did not move away from the plane, and she remained unnoticed by the pilot, who started the engines, representative Natalya Krinitskaya told the news agency.

The woman, employed at the airport as an aircraft cleaner, was hit by the blades and hospitalized with injuries to her head, chest and arms. There were only four crew members on the plane at the time of the incident, with no passengers on board.

Transportation prosecutors have opened an investigation into the incident.

Aircraft Самолет

Arms Руки

Blade Лопасть, винта пропеллера

Chest Грудная клетка

Crew Команда

Despite Несмотря на

Engine Двигатель

Hit (hit, hit) Ударять

Injure (n) Рана, ушиб, травма

Occur Случаться, происходить

Prosecutor’s Office Прокуратура

Remain Оставаться

Representative Представитель

Severe Тяжелый, суровый

Start an engine Запустить двигатель

Strike (struck, struck) Ударять, наносить удар

Survive Остаться в живых

Unnoticed Незамеченный

Warning Предупреждение

Baby Girl Born on Aeroflot Flight


At least four Russian airliners made emergency landings in the past 48 hours — three after experiencing technical problems and the fourth when a woman unexpectedly gave birth to a baby daughter. No one was injured in any of the incidents. A female passenger unexpectedly went into labor through an Aeroflot flight from Simferopol, Ukraine, to Moscow on Monday night, the airline said. The passenger gave birth to a girl at 9 p.m. with the assistance of four flight attendants and a fellow passenger, Sofia Kovalyova who is a nurse, it said.

The A321 jet made an emergency landing at the airport in Kharkiv, Ukraine, and the mother and newborn were taken off by ambulance to the hospital. «Aeroflot thanks Sofia Kovalyova and the crew of Flight SU1825 for their support and assistance in the childbirth, and wishes good health to the newborn girl and her mother,» the airline said in a statement. The last time a baby was born on an Aeroflot flight was on Sept. 14, 2005, when a Russian mother gave birth to a boy on a Boeing 767 flying from Moscow to Los Angeles, the airline said.

Ambulance Скорая помощь

At least По крайней мере

Crew Экипаж

Emergency landing Аварийная посадка

Experience Опыт

Fellow passenger Попутчик

Female Женщина

Flight attendant Стюардесса, стюард

Fly (flew, flown) Летать

Give (gave, given) birth Родить

Health Здоровье

Jet Реактивный самолет

Labor Роды

Newborn Новорожденный

Nurse Мед. сестра

Statement Заявление

Support Поддержка

The last time Последний раз

Unexpectedly Внезапно

Wish Желать, пожелать

With assistance С помощью

Sled Dogs Earn Their Keep Giving Rides in City Parks


A resourceful dog owner is making a business out of giving dog sled rides in Moscow parks. Alexander Voronin owns 11 dogs. He began raising huskies five years ago, and for the last two years he has been making money on dog sled rides. «I’m not doing this for the money, but to keep the dogs in healthy physical condition,» Voronin told The Moscow Times.

Anyone can come to Sokolniki Park or to Gorky Park and get a ride on a sled powered by his canines. Rides are offered on weekends from noon until 7:00 p.m. The schedule for the weekdays changes, depending on the number of park visitors. The charge for rides, which are regulated by the park, is 250 rubles ($8) per child and 400 rubles per adult for 200-meter rides in Sokolniki. At Gorky Park the rates are 150 rubles and 300 rubles, respectively.

One dog can pull a child, while adults sometimes need two. If a customer yearns for the true feeling of speeding across the tundra, four or five dogs can be yoked. The dog sleds can reach speeds of up to 20 kilometers per hour. Voronin says he spends 4,400 rubles per month to feed his dogs. «Of course, I have business rivals, but nobody is doing dog sled rides for children. They prefer offering VIP sled rides for events and clubs,» he said

Adult Взрослый

Canine Собачий, псовый

Charge for Стоимость за

Depend on Зависеть

Earn Зарабатывать

Event Событие, мероприятие

Feed (fed, fed) Кормить

Husky Лайка

Keep (n) Содержание, средства на жизнь

Offer Предлагать

Prefer Предпочитать

Pull Тянуть, тащить

Raise Растить, воспитывать

Reach Достигать, доходить

Resourceful Изобретательный, находчивый

Respectively Соответственно

Rival Соперник, конкурент

Schedule Расписание, план

Sled (sledge) Санки, салазки

Spend Тратить

Yearn Стремиться, жаждать

Yoke Впрягать

Moscow’s wage gaps leave West behind


Bosses in large Moscow companies earn 65 times the income their lowest-paid employees do, a report released by Adecco Group Russia has revealed, a gap the researchers said was nearly double that found in similar European and American companies.

Конец ознакомительного фрагмента.


  • Такими разными были новости в 2012 году

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Фрагмент взят из газеты «The Moscow Times» 2012 год


Фрагмент взят из газеты «The Moscow Times» 2012 год


Фрагмент взят из газеты «The Moscow Times» 2012 год


Фрагмент взят из газеты «The Moscow Times» 2012 год


Фрагмент взят из газеты «The Moscow Times» 2012 год

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