"Приключения щенка Рекса" — это книга, написанная на английском языке для деток, которые начали изучать этот язык первый или второй год в школе. Весёлые истории о серьёзном щенке Рексе, его непослушном братике Тимми и доброй сестричке Бетси. Истории о дружбе, любви и уважении в семье. Книга написана в настоящем времени (Present Simple), словарный запас соответствует знаниям деток восьми, девяти лет. После каждой главы есть задания на внимательность и словарь. Эта книга обязательно понравится вашему ребёнку, и поможет ему полюбить английский язык!Соавтор этой книги школьник Арсен Пашковский. Книга «Приключения щенка Рекса» одержала победу в конкурсе проектов школьников «Мир с высоты меня» в Москве в 2019 году.Книга "Приключения щенка Рекса" также доступна на русском языке.
Приведённый ознакомительный фрагмент книги «Приключения щенка Рекса. The Puppy Rex's Adventures» предоставлен нашим книжным партнёром — компанией ЛитРес.
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Chapter 3Hide-and-seek
Today my friends are coming to visit us. They are my classmates. They are poodles. They are two boys. Their names are Bob and Bill. They are twin brothers. Bob is black. Bill is black too, but his paws are white. They are good puppies; kind and polite.
“Hello,” says Bill.
“Hello, how are you?” asks Bob.
“Hello, my friends! We are fine. Come in. We are glad to see you!” I say. “Do you want to play?”
“Yes, we do!” says Bill
“What game are we going to play?” asks Bob.
“We are going to play hide-and-seek,” I answer.
“Great idea,” says Bill.
“Betsy, Timmy, do you want to play with us?
“Yes, we do!” Betsy and Timmy answer.
“Ok let’s start to play!” I say. “I am leading!”
We start to play. I stand in front of the cupboard. I close my eyes.
I count “One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine and ten.”
Then I open my eyes. I start to search. There are two big armchairs in the living room. One armchair is blue and one armchair is yellow. I look behind the yellow armchair and I see Bill!
“Hello, Bill,” I say.
Then I go to the blue armchair. I look behind it. I see Betsy! There is a big box in the room. I open the big box and look in it. The box is empty.
“Where are Bob and Timmy?” I say to myself. “I want to find them”.
There is a big brown sofa in the living room. I look under the sofa and see Bob.
“Hello, Bob!” I say. But where is Timmy? I look under the chair, but Timmy is not there. I look under the table, but Timmy is not there. I look in the cupboard but Timmy is not there.
Then I look up. I see a big lamp on the ceiling. Timmy is sitting on the lamp!
“Timmy! You can’t sit on the lamp! You are not a kitten, you are a puppy,” I say.
“No I can sit on the lamp,” Timmy says. “I can jump on the chair, then I can jump on the table, then I can jump on the cupboard. From the cupboard, I can jump on the lamp.”
“Oh Timmy, you are funny little puppy,” I say.
New words
Hide-and-seek [haɪdændsiːk] — игра в прятки
Classmates[ˈklɑːsmeɪts] — одноклассники
Poodle[puːdl] — пудель
Twins[twɪnz] — близнецы
Kind[kaɪnd] — добрый
Idea[aɪˈdɪə] — идея
Search[sɜːʧ] — искать
To Myself[ tu maɪˈself] — себе
Find[faɪnd] — найти
Answer the questions
Who are Bob and Bill?
What colour is Bill?
What game do puppies play?
Where is Betsy hiding?
Where is Bob hiding?
True or false?
1. Bob and Bill are kind and polite puppies.
2. Bob and Bill are German Shepherds.
3. Timmy is leading the game.
4. Bill is behind the blue armchair.
5.Betsy is on the lamp.
Guess the riddles
They are two brothers, or two sisters. They look alike. They are the same age.
It is on the ceiling. We turn it on when it is dark.
Приведённый ознакомительный фрагмент книги «Приключения щенка Рекса. The Puppy Rex's Adventures» предоставлен нашим книжным партнёром — компанией ЛитРес.
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