A [ə] SCANDAL [skændl] IN [ɪn] BOHEMIA [bəʊhi¦mjə]
I [wʌn].
To [tu¦] Sherlock [ʃɜ¦lɒk] Holmes [həʊmz] she [ʃi¦] is [ɪz] always [ɔ¦lweɪz] the [ðə] woman [wʊmən]. I [aɪ] have [hæv] seldom [sɛldəm] heard [hɜ¦d] him [hɪm] mention [mɛnʃən] her [hɜ¦r] under [ʌndər] any [ɛni] other [ʌðə] name [neɪm]. In [ɪn] his [hɪz] eyes [aɪz] she [ʃi¦] eclipses [ɪklɪpsɪz] and [ænd] predominates [prɪdɒmɪneɪts] the [ðə] whole [həʊl] of [ɒv] her [hɜ¦] sex [sɛks]. It [ɪt] was [wɒz] not [nɒt] that [ðæt] he [hi¦] felt [fɛlt] any [ɛni] emotion [ɪməʊʃən] akin [əkɪn] to [tu¦] love [lʌv] for [fɔ¦r] Irene [aɪri¦n] Adler. All [ɔ¦l] emotions [ɪməʊʃənz], and [ænd] that [ðæt] one [wʌn] particularly [pətɪkjʊləli], were [wɜ¦r] abhorrent [əbhɒrənt] to [tu¦] his [hɪz] cold [kəʊld], precise [prɪsaɪz] but [bʌt] admirably [ædmərəbli] balanced [bælənst] mind [maɪnd]. He [hi¦] was [wɒz], I [aɪ] take [teɪk] it [ɪt], the [ðə] most [məʊst] perfect [pɜ¦fɪkt] reasoning [ri¦znɪŋ] and [ænd] observing [əbzɜ¦vɪŋ] machine [məʃi¦n] that [ðæt] the [ðə] world [wɜ¦ld] has [hæz] seen [si¦n], but [bʌt] as [æz] a [ə] lover [lʌvə] he [hi¦] would [wʊd] have [hæv] placed [pleɪst] himself [hɪmsɛlf] in [ɪn] a [ə] false [fɔ¦ls] position [pəzɪʃən]. He [hi¦] never [nɛvə] spoke [spəʊk] of [ɒv] the [ðə] softer [sɒftə] passions [pæʃənz], save [seɪv] with [wɪð] a [ə] gibe [ʤaɪb] and [ænd] a [ə] sneer [snɪə]. They [ðeɪ] were [wɜ¦r] admirable [ædmərəbl] things [θɪŋz] for [fɔ¦] the [ði] observer [əbzɜ¦və] — excellent [ɛksələnt] for [fɔ¦] drawing [drɔ¦ɪŋ] the [ðə] veil [veɪl] from [frɒm] men’s [mɛnz] motives [məʊtɪvz] and [ænd] actions [ækʃnz]. But [bʌt] for [fɔ¦] the [ðə] trained [treɪnd] reasoner [ri¦znə] to [tu¦] admit [ədmɪt] such [sʌʧ] intrusions [ɪntru¦ʒənz] into [ɪntu¦] his [hɪz] own [əʊn] delicate [dɛlɪkɪt] and [ænd] finely [faɪnli] adjusted [əʤʌstɪd] temperament [tɛmpərəmənt] was [wɒz] to [tu¦] introduce [ɪntrədju¦s] a [ə] distracting [dɪstræktɪŋ] factor [fæktə] which [wɪʧ] might [maɪt] throw [θrəʊ] a [ə] doubt [daʊt] upon [əpɒn] all [ɔ¦l] his [hɪz] mental [mɛntl] results [rɪzʌlts]. Grit [grɪt] in [ɪn] a [ə] sensitive [sɛnsɪtɪv] instrument [ɪnstrʊmənt], or [ɔ¦r] a [ə] crack [kræk] in [ɪn] one [wʌn] of [ɒv] his [hɪz] own [əʊn] high-power [haɪ] [paʊə] lenses [lɛnzɪz], would [wʊd] not [nɒt] be [bi¦] more [mɔ¦] disturbing [dɪstɜ¦bɪŋ] than [ðæn] a [ə] strong [strɒŋ] emotion [ɪməʊʃən] in [ɪn] a [ə] nature [neɪʧə] such [sʌʧ] as [æz] his [hɪz]. And [ænd] yet [jɛt] there [ðeə] was [wɒz] but [bʌt] one [wʌn] woman [wʊmən] to [tu¦] him [hɪm], and [ænd] that [ðæt] woman [wʊmən] was [wɒz] the [ðə] late [leɪt] Irene [aɪri¦n] Adler, of [ɒv] dubious [dju¦biəs] and [ænd] questionable [kwɛsʧənəbl] memory [mɛməri].







I [aɪ] had [hæd] seen [si¦n] little [lɪtl] of [ɒv] Holmes [həʊmz] lately [leɪtli]. My [maɪ] marriage [mærɪʤ] had [hæd] drifted [drɪftɪd] us [ʌs] away [əweɪ] from [frɒm] each [i¦ʧ] other [ʌðə]. My [maɪ] own [əʊn] complete [kəmpli¦t] happiness [hæpɪnɪs], and [ænd] the [ðə] home-centred [həʊm] [sɛntəd] interests [ɪntrɪsts] which [wɪʧ] rise [raɪz] up [ʌp] around [əraʊnd] the [ðə] man [mæn] who [hu¦] first [fɜ¦st] finds [faɪndz] himself [hɪmsɛlf] master [mɑ¦stər] of [ɒv] his [hɪz] own [əʊn] establishment [ɪstæblɪʃmənt], were [wɜ¦] sufficient [səfɪʃənt] to [tu¦] absorb [əbsɔ¦b] all [ɔ¦l] my [maɪ] attention [ətɛnʃn], while [waɪl] Holmes [həʊmz], who [hu¦] loathed [ləʊðd] every [ɛvri] form [fɔ¦m] of [ɒv] society [səsaɪəti] with [wɪð] his [hɪz] whole [həʊl] Bohemian [bəʊhi¦mjən] soul [səʊl], remained [rɪmeɪnd] in [ɪn] our [aʊə] lodgings [lɒʤɪŋz] in [ɪn] Baker [beɪkə] Street [stri¦t], buried [bɛrid] among [əmʌŋ] his [hɪz] old [əʊld] books [bʊks], and [ænd] alternating [ɔ¦ltəneɪtɪŋ] from [frɒm] week [wi¦k] to [tu¦] week [wi¦k] between [bɪtwi¦n] cocaine [kəkeɪn] and [ænd] ambition [æmbɪʃn], the [ðə] drowsiness [draʊzɪnəs] of [ɒv] the [ðə] drug [drʌg], and [ænd] the [ðə] fierce [fɪəs] energy [ɛnəʤi] of [ɒv] his [hɪz] own [əʊn] keen [ki¦n] nature [neɪʧə]. He [hi¦] was [wɒz] still [stɪl], as [æz] ever [ɛvə], deeply [di¦pli] attracted [ətræktɪd] by [baɪ] the [ðə] study [stʌdi] of [ɒv] crime [kraɪm], and [ænd] occupied [ɒkjʊpaɪd] his [hɪz] immense [ɪmɛns] faculties [fækəltiz] and [ænd] extraordinary [ɪkstrɔ¦dnri] powers [paʊəz] of [ɒv] observation [ɒbzəveɪʃən] in [ɪn] following [fɒləʊɪŋ] out [aʊt] those [ðəʊz] clues [klu¦z], and [ænd] clearing [klɪərɪŋ] up [ʌp] those [ðəʊz] mysteries [mɪstəriz] which [wɪʧ] had [hæd] been [bi¦n] abandoned [əbændənd] as [æz] hopeless [həʊplɪs] by [baɪ] the [ði] official [əfɪʃəl] police [pəli¦s]. From [frɒm] time [taɪm] to [tu¦] time [taɪm] I [aɪ] heard [hɜ¦d] some [sʌm] vague [veɪg] account [əkaʊnt] of [ɒv] his [hɪz] doings [duɪŋz]: of [ɒv] his [hɪz] summons [sʌmənz] to [tu¦] Odessa [əʊdɛsə] in [ɪn] the [ðə] case [keɪs] of [ɒv] the [ðə] Trepoff murder [mɜ¦də], of [ɒv] his [hɪz] clearing [klɪərɪŋ] up [ʌp] of [ɒv] the [ðə] singular [sɪŋgjʊlə] tragedy [træʤɪdi] of [ɒv] the [ði] Atkinson brothers [brʌðəz] at [æt] Trincomalee, and [ænd] finally [faɪnəli] of [ɒv] the [ðə] mission [mɪʃən] which [wɪʧ] he [hi¦] had [hæd] accomplished [əkɒmplɪʃt] so [səʊ] delicately [dɛlɪkɪtli] and [ænd] successfully [səksɛsfʊli] for [fɔ¦] the [ðə] reigning [reɪnɪŋ] family [fæmɪli] of [ɒv] Holland [hɒlənd]. Beyond [bɪjɒnd] these [ði¦z] signs [saɪnz] of [ɒv] his [hɪz] activity [æktɪvɪti], however [haʊɛvə], which [wɪʧ] I [aɪ] merely [mɪəli] shared [ʃeəd] with [wɪð] all [ɔ¦l] the [ðə] readers [ri¦dəz] of [ɒv] the [ðə] daily [deɪli] press [prɛs], I [aɪ] knew [nju¦] little [lɪtl] of [ɒv] my [maɪ] former [fɔ¦mə] friend [frɛnd] and [ænd] companion [kəmpænjən].





One [wʌn] night [naɪt] — it [ɪt] was [wɒz] on [ɒn] the [ðə] twentieth [twɛntɪəθ] of [ɒv] March [mɑ¦ʧ], 1888 [eɪti¦n] [eɪti] [eɪt] — I [aɪ] was [wɒz] returning [rɪtɜ¦nɪŋ] from [frɒm] a [ə] journey [ʤɜ¦ni] to [tu¦] a [ə] patient [peɪʃənt] (for [fɔ¦r] I [aɪ] had [hæd] now [naʊ] returned [rɪtɜ¦nd] to [tu¦] civil [sɪvl] practice [præktɪs]), when [wɛn] my [maɪ] way [weɪ] led [lɛd] me [mi¦] through [θru¦] Baker [beɪkə] Street [stri¦t]. As [æz] I [aɪ] passed [pɑ¦st] the [ðə] well-remembered [wɛl] [rɪmɛmbəd] door [dɔ¦], which [wɪʧ] must [mʌst] always [ɔ¦lweɪz] be [bi¦] associated [əsəʊʃɪeɪtɪd] in [ɪn] my [maɪ] mind [maɪnd] with [wɪð] my [maɪ] wooing [wu¦ɪŋ], and [ænd] with [wɪð] the [ðə] dark [dɑ¦k] incidents [ɪnsɪdənts] of [ɒv] the [ðə] Study [stʌdi] in [ɪn] Scarlet [skɑ¦lɪt], I [aɪ] was [wɒz] seized [si¦zd] with [wɪð] a [ə] keen [ki¦n] desire [dɪzaɪə] to [tu¦] see [si¦] Holmes [həʊmz] again [əgɛn], and [ænd] to [tu¦] know [nəʊ] how [haʊ] he [hi¦] was [wɒz] employing [ɪmplɔɪɪŋ] his [hɪz] extraordinary [ɪkstrɔ¦dnri] powers [paʊəz]. His [hɪz] rooms [ru¦mz] were [wɜ¦] brilliantly [brɪljəntli] lit [lɪt], and [ænd], even [i¦vən] as [æz] I [aɪ] looked [lʊkt] up [ʌp], I [aɪ] saw [sɔ¦] his [hɪz] tall [tɔ¦l], spare [speə] figure [fɪgə] pass [pɑ¦s] twice [twaɪs] in [ɪn] a [ə] dark [dɑ¦k] silhouette [sɪluɛt] against [əgɛnst] the [ðə] blind [blaɪnd]. He [hi¦] was [wɒz] pacing [peɪsɪŋ] the [ðə] room [ru¦m] swiftly [swɪftli], eagerly [i¦gəli], with [wɪð] his [hɪz] head [hɛd] sunk [sʌŋk] upon [əpɒn] his [hɪz] chest [ʧɛst] and [ænd] his [hɪz] hands [hændz] clasped [klɑ¦spt] behind [bɪhaɪnd] him [hɪm]. To [tu¦] me [mi¦], who [hu¦] knew [nju¦] his [hɪz] every [ɛvri] mood [mu¦d] and [ænd] habit [hæbɪt], his [hɪz] attitude [ætɪtju¦d] and [ænd] manner [mænə] told [təʊld] their [ðeər] own [əʊn] story [stɔ¦ri]. He [hi¦] was [wɒz] at [æt] work [wɜ¦k] again [əgɛn]. He [hi¦] had [hæd] risen [rɪzn] out [aʊt] of [ɒv] his [hɪz] drug-created [drʌg] [krieɪtɪd] dreams [dri¦mz] and [ænd] was [wɒz] hot [hɒt] upon [əpɒn] the [ðə] scent [sɛnt] of [ɒv] some [sʌm] new [nju¦] problem [prɒbləm]. I [aɪ] rang [ræŋ] the [ðə] bell [bɛl] and [ænd] was [wɒz] shown [ʃəʊn] up [ʌp] to [tu¦] the [ðə] chamber [ʧeɪmbə] which [wɪʧ] had [hæd] formerly [fɔ¦məli] been [bi¦n] in [ɪn] part [pɑ¦t] my [maɪ] own [əʊn].




His [hɪz] manner [mænə] was [wɒz] not [nɒt] effusive [ɪfju¦sɪv]. It [ɪt] seldom [sɛldəm] was [wɒz]; but [bʌt] he [hi¦] was [wɒz] glad [glæd], I [aɪ] think [θɪŋk], to [tu¦] see [si¦] me [mi¦]. With [wɪð] hardly [hɑ¦dli] a [ə] word [wɜ¦d] spoken [spəʊkən], but [bʌt] with [wɪð] a [ə] kindly [kaɪndli] eye [aɪ], he [hi¦] waved [weɪvd] me [mi¦] to [tu¦] an [ən] armchair [ɑ¦mʧeə], threw [θru¦] across [əkrɒs] his [hɪz] case [keɪs] of [ɒv] cigars [sɪgɑ¦z], and [ænd] indicated [ɪndɪkeɪtɪd] a [ə] spirit [spɪrɪt] case [keɪs] and [ænd] a [ə] gasogene in [ɪn] the [ðə] corner [kɔ¦nə]. Then [ðɛn] he [hi¦] stood [stʊd] before [bɪfɔ¦] the [ðə] fire [faɪər] and [ænd] looked [lʊkt] me [mi¦] over [əʊvər] in [ɪn] his [hɪz] singular [sɪŋgjʊlər] introspective [ɪntrəʊspɛktɪv] fashion [fæʃən].
«Wedlock [wɛdlɒk] suits [sju¦ts] you [ju¦],» he [hi¦] remarked [rɪmɑ¦kt]. «I [aɪ] think [θɪŋk], Watson [wɒtsən], that [ðæt] you [ju¦] have [hæv] put [pʊt] on [ɒn] seven [sɛvn] and [ænd] a [ə] half [hɑ¦f] pounds [paʊndz] since [sɪns] I [aɪ] saw [sɔ¦] you [ju¦].»
«Seven [sɛvn]!» I [aɪ] answered [ɑ¦nsəd].
«Indeed [ɪndi¦d], I [aɪ] should [ʃʊd] have [hæv] thought [θɔ¦t] a [ə] little [lɪtl] more [mɔ¦]. Just [ʤʌst] a [ə] trifle [traɪfl] more [mɔ¦], I [aɪ] fancy [fænsi], Watson [wɒtsən]. And [ænd] in [ɪn] practice [præktɪs] again [əgɛn], I [aɪ] observe [əbzɜ¦v]. You [ju¦] did [dɪd] not [nɒt] tell [tɛl] me [mi¦] that [ðæt] you [ju¦] intended [ɪntɛndɪd] to [tu¦] go [gəʊ] into [ɪntu¦] harness [hɑ¦nɪs].»
«Then [ðɛn], how [haʊ] do [du¦] you [ju¦] know [nəʊ]?»




«I [aɪ] see [si¦] it [ɪt], I [aɪ] deduce [dɪdju¦s] it [ɪt]. How [haʊ] do [du¦] I [aɪ] know [nəʊ] that [ðæt] you [ju¦] have [hæv] been [bi¦n] getting [gɛtɪŋ] yourself [jɔ¦sɛlf] very [vɛri] wet [wɛt] lately [leɪtli], and [ænd] that [ðæt] you [ju¦] have [hæv] a [ə] most [məʊst] clumsy [klʌmzi] and [ænd] careless [keəlɪs] servant [sɜ¦vənt] girl [gɜ¦l]?»
«My [maɪ] dear [dɪə] Holmes [həʊmz],» said [sɛd] I [aɪ], «this [ðɪs] is [ɪz] too [tu¦] much [mʌʧ]. You [ju¦] would [wʊd] certainly [sɜ¦tnli] have [hæv] been [bi¦n] burned [bɜ¦nd], had [hæd] you [ju¦] lived [lɪvd] a [ə] few [fju¦] centuries [sɛnʧʊriz] ago [əgəʊ]. It [ɪt] is [ɪz] true [tru¦] that [ðæt] I [aɪ] had [hæd] a [ə] country [kʌntri] walk [wɔ¦k] on [ɒn] Thursday [θɜ¦zdeɪ] and [ænd] came [keɪm] home [həʊm] in [ɪn] a [ə] dreadful [drɛdfʊl] mess [mɛs], but [bʌt] as [æz] I [aɪ] have [hæv] changed [ʧeɪnʤd] my [maɪ] clothes [kləʊðz] I [aɪ] can’t [kɑ¦nt] imagine [ɪmæʤɪn] how [haʊ] you [ju¦] deduce [dɪdju¦s] it [ɪt]. As [æz] to [tu¦] Mary [meəri] Jane [ʤeɪn], she [ʃi¦] is [ɪz] incorrigible [ɪnkɒrɪʤəbl], and [ænd] my [maɪ] wife [waɪf] has [hæz] given [gɪvn] her [hɜ¦] notice [nəʊtɪs], but [bʌt] there [ðeə], again [əgɛn], I [aɪ] fail [feɪl] to [tu¦] see [si¦] how [haʊ] you [ju¦] work [wɜ¦k] it [ɪt] out [aʊt].»
He [hi¦] chuckled [ʧʌkld] to [tu¦] himself [hɪmsɛlf] and [ænd] rubbed [rʌbd] his [hɪz] long [lɒŋ], nervous [nɜ¦vəs] hands [hændz] together [təgɛðə].




«It [ɪt] is [ɪz] simplicity [sɪmplɪsɪti] itself [ɪtsɛlf],» said [sɛd] he [hi¦]; «my [maɪ] eyes [aɪz] tell [tɛl] me [mi¦] that [ðæt] on [ɒn] the [ði] inside [ɪnsaɪd] of [ɒv] your [jɔ¦] left [lɛft] shoe [ʃu¦], just [ʤʌst] where [weə] the [ðə] firelight [faɪəlaɪt] strikes [straɪks] it [ɪt], the [ðə] leather [lɛðər] is [ɪz] scored [skɔ¦d] by [baɪ] six [sɪks] almost [ɔ¦lməʊst] parallel [pærəlɛl] cuts [kʌts]. Obviously [ɒbvɪəsli] they [ðeɪ] have [hæv] been [bi¦n] caused [kɔ¦zd] by [baɪ] someone [sʌmwʌn] who [hu¦] has [hæz] very [vɛri] carelessly [keəlɪsli] scraped [skreɪpt] round [raʊnd] the [ði] edges [ɛʤɪz] of [ɒv] the [ðə] sole [səʊl] in [ɪn] order [ɔ¦də] to [tu¦] remove [rɪmu¦v] crusted [krʌstɪd] mud [mʌd] from [frɒm] it [ɪt]. Hence [hɛns], you [ju¦] see [si¦], my [maɪ] double [dʌbl] deduction [dɪdʌkʃən] that [ðæt] you [ju¦] had [hæd] been [bi¦n] out [aʊt] in [ɪn] vile [vaɪl] weather [wɛðə], and [ænd] that [ðæt] you [ju¦] had [hæd] a [ə] particularly [pətɪkjʊləli] malignant [məlɪgnənt] boot-slitting [bu¦t] [slɪtɪŋ] specimen [spɛsɪmɪn] of [ɒv] the [ðə] London [lʌndən] slavey [slævi]. As [æz] to [tu¦] your [jɔ¦] practice [præktɪs], if [ɪf] a [ə] gentleman [ʤɛntlmən] walks [wɔ¦ks] into [ɪntu¦] my [maɪ] rooms [ru¦mz] smelling [smɛlɪŋ] of [ɒv] iodoform, with [wɪð] a [ə] black [blæk] mark [mɑ¦k] of [ɒv] nitrate [naɪtreɪt] of [ɒv] silver [sɪlvər] upon [əpɒn] his [hɪz] right [raɪt] forefinger [fɔ¦fɪŋgə], and [ænd] a [ə] bulge [bʌlʤ] on [ɒn] the [ðə] right [raɪt] side [saɪd] of [ɒv] his [hɪz] top-hat [tɒp] [hæt] to [tu¦] show [ʃəʊ] where [weə] he [hi¦] has [hæz] secreted [sɪkri¦tɪd] his [hɪz] stethoscope [stɛθəskəʊp], I [aɪ] must [mʌst] be [bi¦] dull [dʌl], indeed [ɪndi¦d], if [ɪf] I [aɪ] do [du¦] not [nɒt] pronounce [prənaʊns] him [hɪm] to [tu¦] be [bi¦] an [ən] active [æktɪv] member [mɛmbər] of [ɒv] the [ðə] medical [mɛdɪkəl] profession [prəfɛʃən].»




I [aɪ] could [kʊd] not [nɒt] help [hɛlp] laughing [lɑ¦fɪŋ] at [æt] the [ði] ease [i¦z] with [wɪð] which [wɪʧ] he [hi¦] explained [ɪkspleɪnd] his [hɪz] process [prəʊsɛs] of [ɒv] deduction [dɪdʌkʃən]. «When [wɛn] I [aɪ] hear [hɪə] you [ju¦] give [gɪv] your [jɔ¦] reasons [ri¦znz],» I [aɪ] remarked [rɪmɑ¦kt], «the [ðə] thing [θɪŋ] always [ɔ¦lweɪz] appears [əpɪəz] to [tu¦] me [mi¦] to [tu¦] be [bi¦] so [səʊ] ridiculously [rɪdɪkjʊləsli] simple [sɪmpl] that [ðæt] I [aɪ] could [kʊd] easily [i¦zɪli] do [du¦] it [ɪt] myself [maɪsɛlf], though [ðəʊ] at [æt] each [i¦ʧ] successive [səksɛsɪv] instance [ɪnstəns] of [ɒv] your [jɔ¦] reasoning [ri¦znɪŋ] I [aɪ] am [æm] baffled [bæfld] until [əntɪl] you [ju¦] explain [ɪkspleɪn] your [jɔ¦] process [prəʊsɛs]. And [ænd] yet [jɛt] I [aɪ] believe [bɪli¦v] that [ðæt] my [maɪ] eyes [aɪz] are [ɑ¦r] as [æz] good [gʊd] as [æz] yours [jɔ¦z].»
«Quite [kwaɪt] so [səʊ],» he [hi¦] answered [ɑ¦nsəd], lighting [laɪtɪŋ] a [ə] cigarette [sɪgərɛt], and [ænd] throwing [θrəʊɪŋ] himself [hɪmsɛlf] down [daʊn] into [ɪntu¦] an [ən] armchair [ɑ¦mʧeə]. «You [ju¦] see [si¦], but [bʌt] you [ju¦] do [du¦] not [nɒt] observe [əbzɜ¦v]. The [ðə] distinction [dɪstɪŋkʃən] is [ɪz] clear [klɪə]. For [fɔ¦r] example [ɪgzɑ¦mpl], you [ju¦] have [hæv] frequently [fri¦kwəntli] seen [si¦n] the [ðə] steps [stɛps] which [wɪʧ] lead [li¦d] up [ʌp] from [frɒm] the [ðə] hall [hɔ¦l] to [tu¦] this [ðɪs] room [ru¦m].»
«Frequently [fri¦kwəntli].»
«How [haʊ] often [ɒfn]?»
«Well [wɛl], some [sʌm] hundreds [hʌndrədz] of [ɒv] times [taɪmz].»
«Then [ðɛn] how [haʊ] many [mɛni] are [ɑ¦] there [ðeə]?»
«How [haʊ] many [mɛni]? I [aɪ] don’t [dəʊnt] know [nəʊ].»




«Quite [kwaɪt] so [səʊ]! You [ju¦] have [hæv] not [nɒt] observed [əbzɜ¦vd]. And [ænd] yet [jɛt] you [ju¦] have [hæv] seen [si¦n]. That [ðæt] is [ɪz] just [ʤʌst] my [maɪ] point [pɔɪnt]. Now [naʊ], I [aɪ] know [nəʊ] that [ðæt] there [ðeər] are [ɑ¦] seventeen [sɛvnti¦n] steps [stɛps], because [bɪkɒz] I [aɪ] have [hæv] both [bəʊθ] seen [si¦n] and [ænd] observed [əbzɜ¦vd]. By [baɪ] the [ðə] way [weɪ], since [sɪns] you [ju¦] are [ɑ¦r] interested [ɪntrɪstɪd] in [ɪn] these [ði¦z] little [lɪtl] problems [prɒbləmz], and [ænd] since [sɪns] you [ju¦] are [ɑ¦] good [gʊd] enough [ɪnʌf] to [tu¦] chronicle [krɒnɪkl] one [wʌn] or [ɔ¦] two [tu¦] of [ɒv] my [maɪ] trifling [traɪflɪŋ] experiences [ɪkspɪərɪənsɪz], you [ju¦] may [meɪ] be [bi¦] interested [ɪntrɪstɪd] in [ɪn] this [ðɪs].» He [hi¦] threw [θru¦] over [əʊvər] a [ə] sheet [ʃi¦t] of [ɒv] thick [θɪk], pink-tinted [pɪŋk] [tɪntɪd] notepaper [nəʊtpeɪpə] which [wɪʧ] had [hæd] been [bi¦n] lying [laɪɪŋ] open [əʊpən] upon [əpɒn] the [ðə] table [teɪbl]. «It [ɪt] came [keɪm] by [baɪ] the [ðə] last [lɑ¦st] post [pəʊst],» said [sɛd] he [hi¦]. «Read [ri¦d] it [ɪt] aloud [əlaʊd].»
The [ðə] note [nəʊt] was [wɒz] undated [ʌndeɪtɪd], and [ænd] without [wɪðaʊt] either [aɪðə] signature [sɪgnɪʧər] or [ɔ¦r] address [ədrɛs].




«There [ðeə] will [wɪl] call [kɔ¦l] upon [əpɒn] you [ju¦] to-night [tu¦] [naɪt], at [æt] a [ə] quarter [kwɔ¦tə] to [tu¦] eight [eɪt] o’clock [əklɒk],» it [ɪt] said [sɛd], «a [ə] gentleman [ʤɛntlmən] who [hu¦] desires [dɪzaɪəz] to [tu¦] consult [kənsʌlt] you [ju¦] upon [əpɒn] a [ə] matter [mætər] of [ɒv] the [ðə] very [vɛri] deepest [di¦pɪst] moment [məʊmənt]. Your [jɔ¦] recent [ri¦snt] services [sɜ¦vɪsɪz] to [tu¦] one [wʌn] of [ɒv] the [ðə] royal [rɔɪəl] houses [haʊzɪz] of [ɒv] Europe [jʊərəp] have [hæv] shown [ʃəʊn] that [ðæt] you [ju¦] are [ɑ¦] one [wʌn] who [hu¦] may [meɪ] safely [seɪfli] be [bi¦] trusted [trʌstɪd] with [wɪð] matters [mætəz] which [wɪʧ] are [ɑ¦r] of [ɒv] an [ən] importance [ɪmpɔ¦təns] which [wɪʧ] can [kæn] hardly [hɑ¦dli] be [bi¦] exaggerated [ɪgzæʤəreɪtɪd]. This [ðɪs] account [əkaʊnt] of [ɒv] you [ju¦] we [wi¦] have [hæv] from [frɒm] all [ɔ¦l] quarters [kwɔ¦təz] received [rɪsi¦vd]. Be [bi¦] in [ɪn] your [jɔ¦] chamber [ʧeɪmbə] then [ðɛn] at [æt] that [ðæt] hour [aʊə], and [ænd] do [du¦] not [nɒt] take [teɪk] it [ɪt] amiss [əmɪs] if [ɪf] your [jɔ¦] visitor [vɪzɪtə] wear [weər] a [ə] mask [mɑ¦sk].»
«This [ðɪs] is [ɪz] indeed [ɪndi¦d] a [ə] mystery [mɪstəri],» I [aɪ] remarked [rɪmɑ¦kt]. «What [wɒt] do [du¦] you [ju¦] imagine [ɪmæʤɪn] that [ðæt] it [ɪt] means [mi¦nz]?»




«I [aɪ] have [hæv] no [nəʊ] data [deɪtə] yet [jɛt]. It [ɪt] is [ɪz] a [ə] capital [kæpɪtl] mistake [mɪsteɪk] to [tu¦] theorise [θɪəraɪz] before [bɪfɔ¦] one [wʌn] has [hæz] data [deɪtə]. Insensibly [ɪnsɛnsəbli] one [wʌn] begins [bɪgɪnz] to [tu¦] twist [twɪst] facts [fækts] to [tu¦] suit [sju¦t] theories [θɪəriz], instead [ɪnstɛd] of [ɒv] theories [θɪəriz] to [tu¦] suit [sju¦t] facts [fækts]. But [bʌt] the [ðə] note [nəʊt] itself [ɪtsɛlf]. What [wɒt] do [du¦] you [ju¦] deduce [dɪdju¦s] from [frɒm] it [ɪt]?»
I [aɪ] carefully [keəfli] examined [ɪgzæmɪnd] the [ðə] writing [raɪtɪŋ], and [ænd] the [ðə] paper [peɪpər] upon [əpɒn] which [wɪʧ] it [ɪt] was [wɒz] written [rɪtn].
«The [ðə] man [mæn] who [hu¦] wrote [rəʊt] it [ɪt] was [wɒz] presumably [prɪzju¦məbli] well [wɛl] to [tu¦] do [du¦],» I [aɪ] remarked [rɪmɑ¦kt], endeavouring [ɪndɛvərɪŋ] to [tu¦] imitate [ɪmɪteɪt] my [maɪ] companion’s [kəmpænjənz] processes [prəʊsɛsɪz]. «Such [sʌʧ] paper [peɪpə] could [kʊd] not [nɒt] be [bi¦] bought [bɔ¦t] under [ʌndə] half [hɑ¦f] a [ə] crown [kraʊn] a [ə] packet [pækɪt]. It [ɪt] is [ɪz] peculiarly [pɪkju¦liəli] strong [strɒŋ] and [ænd] stiff [stɪf].»
«Peculiar [pɪkju¦liə] — that [ðæt] is [ɪz] the [ðə] very [vɛri] word [wɜ¦d],» said [sɛd] Holmes [həʊmz]. «It [ɪt] is [ɪz] not [nɒt] an [ən] English [ɪŋglɪʃ] paper [peɪpər] at [æt] all [ɔ¦l]. Hold [həʊld] it [ɪt] up [ʌp] to [tu¦] the [ðə] light [laɪt].»
I [aɪ] did [dɪd] so [səʊ], and [ænd] saw [sɔ¦] a [ə] large [lɑ¦ʤ] «E [i¦]» with [wɪð] a [ə] small [smɔ¦l] «g [ʤi¦],» a [ə] «P [pi¦],» and [ænd] a [ə] large [lɑ¦ʤ] «G [ʤi¦]» with [wɪð] a [ə] small [smɔ¦l] «t [ti¦]» woven [wəʊvən] into [ɪntu¦] the [ðə] texture [tɛksʧər] of [ɒv] the [ðə] paper [peɪpə].
«What [wɒt] do [du¦] you [ju¦] make [meɪk] of [ɒv] that [ðæt]?» asked [ɑ¦skt] Holmes [həʊmz].
«The [ðə] name [neɪm] of [ɒv] the [ðə] maker [meɪkə], no [nəʊ] doubt [daʊt]; or [ɔ¦] his [hɪz] monogram [mɒnəgræm], rather [rɑ¦ðə].»




«Not [nɒt] at [æt] all [ɔ¦l]. The [ðə] «G [ʤi¦]» with [wɪð] the [ðə] small [smɔ¦l] «t [ti¦]» stands [stændz] for [fɔ¦] «Gesellschaft,» which [wɪʧ] is [ɪz] the [ðə] German [ʤɜ¦mən] for [fɔ¦] «Company [kʌmpəni].» It [ɪt] is [ɪz] a [ə] customary [kʌstəməri] contraction [kəntrækʃən] like [laɪk] our [aʊə] «Co [kəʊ].» «P [pi¦],» of [ɒv] course [kɔ¦s], stands [stændz] for [fɔ¦] «Papier.» Now [naʊ] for [fɔ¦] the [ði] «Eg.» Let [lɛt] us [ʌs] glance [glɑ¦ns] at [æt] our [aʊə] Continental [kɒntɪnɛntl] Gazetteer [gæzɪtɪə].» He [hi¦] took [tʊk] down [daʊn] a [ə] heavy [hɛvi] brown [braʊn] volume [vɒljʊm] from [frɒm] his [hɪz] shelves [ʃɛlvz]. «Eglow, Eglonitz — here [hɪə] we [wi¦] are [ɑ¦], Egria. It [ɪt] is [ɪz] in [ɪn] a [ə] German-speaking [ʤɜ¦mən] [spi¦kɪŋ] country [kʌntri] — in [ɪn] Bohemia [bəʊhi¦mjə], not [nɒt] far [fɑ¦] from [frɒm] Carlsbad. «Remarkable [rɪmɑ¦kəbl] as [æz] being [bi¦ɪŋ] the [ðə] scene [si¦n] of [ɒv] the [ðə] death [dɛθ] of [ɒv] Wallenstein, and [ænd] for [fɔ¦r] its [ɪts] numerous [nju¦mərəs] glass-factories [glɑ¦s] [fæktəriz] and [ænd] paper-mills [peɪpəmɪlz].» Ha [hɑ¦], ha [hɑ¦], my [maɪ] boy [bɔɪ], what [wɒt] do [du¦] you [ju¦] make [meɪk] of [ɒv] that [ðæt]?» His [hɪz] eyes [aɪz] sparkled [spɑ¦kld], and [ænd] he [hi¦] sent [sɛnt] up [ʌp] a [ə] great [greɪt] blue [blu¦] triumphant [traɪʌmfənt] cloud [klaʊd] from [frɒm] his [hɪz] cigarette [sɪgərɛt].
«The [ðə] paper [peɪpə] was [wɒz] made [meɪd] in [ɪn] Bohemia [bəʊhi¦mjə],» I [aɪ] said [sɛd].




«Precisely [prɪsaɪsli]. And [ænd] the [ðə] man [mæn] who [hu¦] wrote [rəʊt] the [ðə] note [nəʊt] is [ɪz] a [ə] German [ʤɜ¦mən]. Do [du¦] you [ju¦] note [nəʊt] the [ðə] peculiar [pɪkju¦liə] construction [kənstrʌkʃən] of [ɒv] the [ðə] sentence [sɛntəns] — „This [ðɪs] account [əkaʊnt] of [ɒv] you [ju¦] we [wi¦] have [hæv] from [frɒm] all [ɔ¦l] quarters [kwɔ¦təz] received [rɪsi¦vd].“ A [ə] Frenchman [frɛnʧmən] or [ɔ¦] Russian [rʌʃn] could [kʊd] not [nɒt] have [hæv] written [rɪtn] that [ðæt]. It [ɪt] is [ɪz] the [ðə] German [ʤɜ¦mən] who [hu¦] is [ɪz] so [səʊ] uncourteous [ʌnkɜ¦tiəs] to [tu¦] his [hɪz] verbs [vɜ¦bz]. It [ɪt] only [əʊnli] remains [rɪmeɪnz], therefore [ðeəfɔ¦], to [tu¦] discover [dɪskʌvə] what [wɒt] is [ɪz] wanted [wɒntɪd] by [baɪ] this [ðɪs] German [ʤɜ¦mən] who [hu¦] writes [raɪts] upon [əpɒn] Bohemian [bəʊhi¦mjən] paper [peɪpər] and [ænd] prefers [prifɜ¦z] wearing [weərɪŋ] a [ə] mask [mɑ¦sk] to [tu¦] showing [ʃəʊɪŋ] his [hɪz] face [feɪs]. And [ænd] here [hɪə] he [hi¦] comes [kʌmz], if [ɪf] I [aɪ] am [æm] not [nɒt] mistaken [mɪsteɪkən], to [tu¦] resolve [rɪzɒlv] all [ɔ¦l] our [aʊə] doubts [daʊts].»
As [æz] he [hi¦] spoke [spəʊk] there [ðeə] was [wɒz] the [ðə] sharp [ʃɑ¦p] sound [saʊnd] of [ɒv] horses’ [hɔ¦sɪz] ’ hoofs [hu¦fs] and [ænd] grating [greɪtɪŋ] wheels [wi¦lz] against [əgɛnst] the [ðə] curb [kɜ¦b], followed [fɒləʊd] by [baɪ] a [ə] sharp [ʃɑ¦p] pull [pʊl] at [æt] the [ðə] bell [bɛl]. Holmes [həʊmz] whistled [wɪsld].
«A [ə] pair [peə], by [baɪ] the [ðə] sound [saʊnd],» said [sɛd] he [hi¦]. «Yes [jɛs],» he [hi¦] continued [kəntɪnjud], glancing [glɑ¦nsɪŋ] out [aʊt] of [ɒv] the [ðə] window [wɪndəʊ]. «A [ə] nice [naɪs] little [lɪtl] brougham [bruəm] and [ænd] a [ə] pair [peər] of [ɒv] beauties [bju¦tiz]. A [ə] hundred [hʌndrəd] and [ænd] fifty [fɪfti] guineas [gɪniz] apiece [əpi¦s]. There’s [ðeəz] money [mʌni] in [ɪn] this [ðɪs] case [keɪs], Watson [wɒtsən], if [ɪf] there [ðeər] is [ɪz] nothing [nʌθɪŋ] else [ɛls].»
«I [aɪ] think [θɪŋk] that [ðæt] I [aɪ] had [hæd] better [bɛtə] go [gəʊ], Holmes [həʊmz].»



«Not [nɒt] a [ə] bit [bɪt], Doctor [dɒktə]. Stay [steɪ] where [weə] you [ju¦] are [ɑ¦]. I [aɪ] am [æm] lost [lɒst] without [wɪðaʊt] my [maɪ] Boswell. And [ænd] this [ðɪs] promises [prɒmɪsɪz] to [tu¦] be [bi¦] interesting [ɪntrɪstɪŋ]. It [ɪt] would [wʊd] be [bi¦] a [ə] pity [pɪti] to [tu¦] miss [mɪs] it [ɪt].»
«But [bʌt] your [jɔ¦] client [klaɪənt] — »
«Never [nɛvə] mind [maɪnd] him [hɪm]. I [aɪ] may [meɪ] want [wɒnt] your [jɔ¦] help [hɛlp], and [ænd] so [səʊ] may [meɪ] he [hi¦]. Here [hɪə] he [hi¦] comes [kʌmz]. Sit [sɪt] down [daʊn] in [ɪn] that [ðæt] armchair [ɑ¦mʧeə], Doctor [dɒktə], and [ænd] give [gɪv] us [ʌs] your [jɔ¦] best [bɛst] attention [ətɛnʃn].»
A [ə] slow [sləʊ] and [ænd] heavy [hɛvi] step [stɛp], which [wɪʧ] had [hæd] been [bi¦n] heard [hɜ¦d] upon [əpɒn] the [ðə] stairs [steəz] and [ænd] in [ɪn] the [ðə] passage [pæsɪʤ], paused [pɔ¦zd] immediately [ɪmi¦diətli] outside [aʊtsaɪd] the [ðə] door [dɔ¦]. Then [ðɛn] there [ðeə] was [wɒz] a [ə] loud [laʊd] and [ænd] authoritative [ɔ¦θɒrɪtətɪv] tap [tæp].
Конец ознакомительного фрагмента.