Find extra word in each line. Найди лишнее слово в каждой строке.
— Cow, goat, kangaroo, donkey.
— Crocodile, lion, squirrel, tiger.
— Tortoise, leopard, snail.
— Zebra, horse, snake, giraffe.
— Bear, cat, fox, wolf.
Who are we talking about? О ком идет речь?
— The animal who can go without food and water for a long time is………………….
— The animal that has long hair around its neck is………………….
— The animal that has a beautiful white skin with black stripes is………………….
Solve the crossword puzzle. Write down the answers in English. Разгадай кроссворд. Запиши ответы на английском.
— I’m small and green. I can jump and I eat insects.
— I’m green. I have got big teeth and a long tail.
— I’m long and I can’t walk because I haven’t got legs.
— I’m brown with black stripes. I can run very fast. I live in the jungle.
— I’m big and grey. I have got big ears and a long trunk
— I’m small. I can sing and fly.
— I have got long legs and two humps. I live in the desert.
— I’m tall. My body is brown with spots I have got a long neck and small ears.
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