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  3. Александра Александровна Егурнова

Английский язык: тестовые задания (уровни А1-В1). Часть 1

Александра Александровна Егурнова
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Предлагаемая книга представляет собой комплект тестов для проверки знаний (в том числе самостоятельной) обучаемых с уровнем владения английским языком от А1 (начинающий пользователь) до В1+ (независимый пользователь). Содержит ответы для (само) контроля. Банк заданий включает следующие форматы: сопоставление, словообразование, множественный выбор, заполнение пропусков, нахождение ошибок, идентификация и дифференциация, перевод и т. д.


  • Тестовые задания для обучаемых с уровнем владения языком А1-А2

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Приведённый ознакомительный фрагмент книги «Английский язык: тестовые задания (уровни А1-В1). Часть 1» предоставлен нашим книжным партнёром — компанией ЛитРес.

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© Александра Александровна Егурнова, 2021

ISBN 978-5-0055-1055-6 (т. 1)

ISBN 978-5-0055-1056-3

Создано в интеллектуальной издательской системе Ridero

Тестовые задания для обучаемых с уровнем владения языком А1-А2

Тест 1

Задание 1. Напишите отрицательные [-] или вопросительные [?] предложения. Пример дан ниже под цифрой ноль (0).

0. I’m fine. [-]

I’m not fine.

He’s green. [?]

Is he green?

1. You’re Russian. [?]

2. I’m Peter. [-]

3. They’re Japanese. [?]

4. She’s in the cinema. [-]

5. I’m fine. [?]

6. We’re late. [?]

7. He’s a doctor. [-]

8. They’re at home. [-]

9. She’s an engineer. [?]

10. I’m in a bus. [-]

Задание 2. Закончите строки-последовательности верным числом от 0 до 20. Пример дан ниже под цифрой ноль (0).

0. one two three…four

1. eleven twelve thirteen……

2. five seven nine……

3. eight eleven fourteen……

4. twenty eighteen sixteen……

5. ten seven four……

6. one six eleven……

7. two eight fourteen……

8. nineteen fourteen nine……

9. twenty fourteen eight……

10. one four seven……

Задание 3. Распределите предложенные ниже слова по месту ударения: Оо — ударение на первый слог, оО — ударение на второй слог.

berry, hello, taxi, invite, photo, sorry, hotel, coffee, dislike, teacher, forget, police

Оо — sorry,

оО — hello,

Задание 4. В каждой строке выберите лишнее слово. Пример дан ниже под цифрой ноль (0).

0. skate, SUNNY, dive, ski

1. cat, dog, plane, tortoise

2. rose, tulip, carnation, birch

3. fence, window, door, wall

4. hat, shirt, cane, shoe

5. teacher, doctor, chef, thief

6. printer, sofa, laptop, scanner

7. first, two, three, eight

8. father, mother, aunt, neighbor

9. red, yellow, lily, blue

10. cucumber, mango, potato, aubergine

Задание 5. Вставьте в пропуски верное слово. Пример дан под цифрой ноль (0).

This is (0)…B… map of Italy. Italy is located in the heart of the (1)… Sea. It (2)… a largely temperate climate.

There are 14 volcanoes in Italy, (3)… of which are active: Etna, Stromboli, Vulcano and Vesuvius. There are 102 mammals species in Italy, (4)… as the Alpine marmot, Italian wolf, and European snow vole. Italy has (5)… 516 bird species and 5 500 plant species.

There (6)… about 58 million people in Italy. They speak (7)… there.

One of (8)… most famous landmarks in Italy is the Coliseum. It’s (9)… Rome, the capital of Italy. Other things (10)… see in Italy are: the Trevi Fountain, the Leaning Tower of Pisa, and St. Mark’s Square.

0. A the B a C one D some

1. A Mediterranean B Red C North D Caribbean

2. A is B does C are D has

3. A many B few C four D much

4. A some B such C any D little

5. A some B also C are D many

6. A is B has C are D been

7. A Italianese B Italian C Italiano D Italish

8. A the B at C a D with

9. A at B the C into D in

10. A to B on C for D just

Тест 2

Задание 1. Напишите отрицательные [-] или вопросительные [?] предложения. Пример дан ниже под цифрой ноль (0).

0. I’m fine. [-]

I’m not fine.

He’s green. [?]

Is he green?

1) It’s a hamster. [?]

2) He’s on holiday. [-]

3) She’s at school. [?]

4) They’re Indians. [-]

5) She’s beautiful. [?]

6) We’re at our grandparents’ house. [?]

7) You’re alone. [-]

8) It’s rainy outside. [-]

9) We’re in the forest. [?]

10) I’m on a bike. [-]

Задание 2. Закончите предложения информацией из текста. Пример дан ниже под цифрой ноль (0).

Andrew and Jane are married. They have got two daughters: Jill and Sarah. Jill is married to Robert and they have got two children: Nancy and David. Sarah’s husband is Jack and they have got one son: Ken.

0) Robert is…Jill’s… husband.

1) David is Nancy’s….

2) Ken is Sarah’s….

3) Jill is Sarah’s….

4)… is Sarah’s husband.

5) Andrew and Jane have three….

6) Sarah is Nancy’s and David’s….

7) Jill’s… is Ken.

8) Nancy and David have one…. His name is Ken.

9)… are Ken’s grandparents.

10) Andrew is Jill’s….

Задание 3. Распределите предложенные ниже слова по месту ударения: слова с ударением на первый слог и на второй.

Слова: rabbit, hello, yellow, giraffe, tortoise, sorry, cartoon, between, picture, agree, Chinese, baker.

Пример: sorry — ударение на первый слог, hello — ударение на второй слог.

Задание 4. В каждой строке выберите лишнее слово. Пример дан ниже под цифрой ноль (0).

0) skate, SUNNY, dive, ski

1) laptop, piano, modem, printer

2) pen, pencil, eraser, scissors

3) book, CD, newspaper, notebook

4) leaf, flower, grass, wood

5) water, glass, metal, wood

6) sugar, salt, sweet, pepper

7) snake, frog, toad, bear

8) hare, eagle, sparrow, pigeon

9) boat, sheep, liner, yacht

10) orange, cherry, tangerine, lemon

Задание 5. Вставьте в пропуски верное слово.

Many years (1)…, when your grandfather’s great-grandfather was still (2)… child, there lived a boy in Boston in (3)… called John Chapman. He loved the countryside, the flowers and the (4)…. He knew all about the animals and birds (5)… lived in the forests. His favourite tree (6)… the apple tree. He loved to (7)… apple trees and eat apples as he rested there.

Once while he was eating an apple, he looked (8)… the little brown seeds in it. «I shall plant (9)… seeds,» he said. «Soon the whole countryside will be full (10)… apple trees.»

1) A after B ago C on D before

2) A a B the C — D two

3) A Italy B Russia C America D Great Britain

4) A bees B trees C wood D earth

5) A what B they C some D who

6) A is B was C are D were

7) A climb B look C have D sit

8) A thoughtfully B again C at D away

9) A this B that C these D those

10) A and B the C over D of

Тест 3

Задание 1. Напишите отрицательные [-] или вопросительные [?] предложения. Пример дан ниже под цифрой ноль (0).

0. I’m fine. [-]

I’m not fine.

He’s green. [?]

Is he green?

1) She can dance. [?]

2) He likes skating. [-]

3) She’s a pop star. [?]

4) They want to go to the zoo. [-]

5) She likes to sing. [?]

6) We have got many friends. [?]

7) You can ride a horse. [-]

8) The cat is black. [-]

9) We like jumping. [?]

10) I can ski. [-]

Задание 2. Закончите предложения информацией из текста. Пример дан ниже под цифрой ноль (0).

There is a beautiful big house in the country. Next to the house lives a little puppy. His name’s Roy. He is white with big grey eyes. He likes to dance and sing. He hasn’t got a family, but has got many friends. Roy has got two best friends. One of his friends is a yellow duck Rick, who lives with his mother Linda and sister Lucy. He likes swimming. Another is a pig. Her name is Liz. She lives with her parents and has no sisters or brothers. She likes to run and jump.

0) A little…puppy… lives next to the house.

1) The puppy’s name is….

2) Roy has got big… eyes.

3) Roy likes singing and….

4)… has not got any parents.

5) Rick and Liz are Roy’s….

6) Lucy is Rick’s….

7) Rick is a….

8) Liz is a….

9) Rick likes to….

10) Liz loves running and….

Задание 3. Распределите предложенные ниже слова по типу чтения ударного слога: слова открытым слогом и слова с закрытым слогом.

Слова: rabbit, hello, window, rose, puppy, sorry, pupil, dislike, picture, frog, Chinese, baker.

Пример: sorry — закрытый слог, hello — открытый слог.

Задание 4. В каждой строке выберите лишнее слово. Пример дан ниже под цифрой ноль (0).

0) skate, SUNNY, dive, ski

1) ski, hockey, skate, run

2) square, park, forest, circus

3) book, eraser, ruler, fountain pen

4) cucumber, tomato, marrow, pear

5) theatre, gallery, town, cinema

6) stool, sofa, wardrobe, armchair

7) spring, march, April, May

8) hare, hen, rabbit, pig

9) green, yellow, rad, black

10) snow, rain, fog, sun

Задание 5. Вставьте в пропуски верное слово: I, my, you, your.

A Hello, (1)… am Billy. What’s (2)… name?

B Hi, (3)… name’s Anna.

A Nice to meet (4)…, Anna.

B (5)…, too.

A How are (6)… this morning?

B (7)…’m fine, thanks. And (8)…?

A (9)…’m all right, thank (10)….

Тест 4

Задание 1. Напишите отрицательные [-] или вопросительные [?] предложения. Пример дан ниже под цифрой ноль (0).

0. I’m fine. [-]

I’m not fine.

He’s green. [?]

Is he green?

1) She is a gardener. [?]

2) He can make a fire. [-]

3) She likes milk. [?]

4) They have got a big house. [-]

5) I can cook. [?]

6) We like to visit museums. [?]

7) You’re a good singer. [-]

8) The dog can run. [-]

9) We like painting. [?]

10) I’ve got five monkeys. [-]

Задание 2. Вставьте в предложения (1—10) необходимые предлоги (a-j), чтобы они соответствовали картинке. Пример дан ниже под цифрой ноль (0).

(a) in (b) above (c) under

(e) on the left (g) near (i) in front of

(d) between (f) on the right (h) behind

0) The cup is… (a) in… the saucer.

1) The red flower is… the saucers.

2) The cat is… the vase.

3) The roses are… the vase.

4) The doll is… the table.

5) The vase is… the cat.

6) The table is… the doll.

7) The cookies are… the berries.

8) The tea is… the cup.

9) The vase is….

10) The cup is….

Задание 3. Распределите предложенные ниже слова по типу чтения ударного слога: слова открытым слогом и слова с закрытым слогом.

Слова: pony, hello, tag, tunnel, shake, sorry, fog, tune, river, me, tell, mute.

Пример: sorry — закрытый слог, hello — открытый слог.

Задание 4. В каждой строке выберите лишнее слово. Пример дан ниже под цифрой ноль (0).

0) skate, SUNNY, dive, ski

1) white, grin, black, purple

2) square, shape, oval, star

3) rose, tulip, garden, bluebell

4) fruit, apple, plum, pear

5) house, shell, car, nest

6) TV, laptop, PC, notebook

7) winter, December, April, February

8) PE, music, swim, English

9) A, B, F, У

10) London, New York, Las Vegas, Chicago

Задание 5. Вставьте в пропуски верное слово.

The (1)…… was about four (2)…… from the (3)……, but after only a (4)…… or two the (5)…… began to ask, «Are (6)…… nearly there?» And every (7)…… they saw a (8)…… they said, «Oh, is this (9)……?» But (10)…… never was.

1) A house B hous C hose D houses

2) A kilometre B kilometres C kilometr D kilometrs

3) A stations B stationne C station D stashion

4) A minutes B minuten C minutive D minute

5) A children B child s C childrens D child’s

6) A they B we C us D our

7) A times B tims C time D timy

8) A hous B houses C hose D house

9) A it B we C you D he

10) A he B it C she D you

Тест 5

Задание 1. Напишите отрицательные [-] или вопросительные [?] предложения. Пример дан ниже под цифрой ноль (0).

0. I’m fine. [-]

I’m not fine.

He’s green. [?]

Is he green?

1) You’re a dentist. [?]

2) I’m sick. [-]

3) They’re on a plane. [?]

4) She’s in the park. [-]

5) I’m white. [?]

6) We’re busy. [?]

7) He’s Italian. [-]

8) They’re in London. [-]

9) She’s Violet. [?]

10) I’m at the table. [-]

Задание 2. Соедините флаги (1—5) со странами (А-Е), которым они принадлежат.

Задание 3. Напиши слова, которым соответствует транскрипция. Пример дан под цифрой ноль (0).

0) [skeit] — skate

Задание 4. Вставьте в пропуски верное слово, соблюдая рифму.

In March the birds begin to (1)….

They (2)… happy now it’s spring.

In April (3)… skies come again.

There’s sometimes sun and sometimes (4)….

In May it’s warm and we can (5)….

Out (6)… the sunshine every day.

In (7)… the days are hot and bright,

And stars shine in the sky at (8)….

In July we feel so (9)…

Swimming (10)… the bright blue sea.

1) A sing B dance C eat D play

2) A is B are C have D has

3) A violet B white C blue D red

4) A fog B wind C ice D rain

5) A play B sing C clap D jump

6) A at B in C on D with

7) A August B May C June D July

8) A noon B day C light D night

9) A free B busy C ill D fine

10) A at B in C by D on

Задание 5. Решите ребус.

1) tree

2) house

3) ten

4) apple

5) ant

Тест 6

Задание 1. Напишите отрицательные [-] или вопросительные [?] предложения. Пример дан ниже под цифрой ноль (0).

0. I’m fine. [-]

I’m not fine.

He’s green. [?]

Is he green?

1) She’s in London. [?]

2) I’m far away from home. [-]

3) We’re in the supermarket. [?]

4) They’ve got a dog. [-]

5) Her family is big. [?]

6) My hands are cold. [?]

7) They’re from Korea. [-]

8) She’s got nice gloves. [-]

9) He’s got a house in the mountains. [?]

10) I’m on the roof. [-]

Задание 2. Соедините начало предложения (1—10) с подходящим окончанием (А-J).

Задание 3. Напиши слова, которым соответствует транскрипция. Пример дан под цифрой ноль (0).

0) [skeit] — skate

Задание 4. Вставьте в пропуски верное слово.

A long, long time (1)… a little boy was walking through a park. In the (2)… of the park there was a tree with a sign on it. The sign said «I (3)… a magic tree. Say the magic words and you will see.»

The boy tried to guess the magic words. He (4)… abracadabra, sim-sim, tan-ta-ra, and many more… but none (5)… them worked.

Tired, he threw himself on the floor, saying: «Please, dear tree!» and suddenly, a big door (6)… in the trunk. Inside everything (7)… dark, except for a sign which said «Carry on with your magic.» Then the boy said “ (8)… you, dear tree!» With this, the inside of the tree lit up brightly and showed a pathway leading to a great big pile of toys and chocolate.

The little boy brought all his friends to the magic tree, and they (9)… the best party ever. This is why people always say that «please’ and «thank you’ (10)… the magic words.

1) A away B before C now D ago

2) A behind B front C middle D above

3) A was B am C is D were

4) A tried B found C saw D heard

5) A of B among C out D in

6) A opens B opened C open D was opening

7) A were B are C was D is

8) A Bye B Hi C See D Thank

9) A have B has C had D were having

10) A were B are C is D was

Задание 5. Ответьте на вопросы по картинке (одним словом).

1) How many Disney heroes are there in the picture?

2) How many mice are there in the picture?

3) How many ducks are there in the picture?

4) What color are Mickey’s shorts?

5) What color is Minnie’s dress?

6) Is Donald smiling?

7) Is Mickey smiling?

8) Is it raining?

9) Is it cloudy?

10) Is it winter?

Источник: https://www.moviehdwallpapers.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/175908-Sepik.jpg

Тест 7

Задание 1. Напишите отрицательные [-] или вопросительные [?] предложения. Пример дан ниже под цифрой ноль (0).

0. I’m fine. [-]

I’m not fine.

He’s green. [?]

Is he green?

1) You’ve got a car. [?]

2) He’s Japanese. [-]

3) Kate’s in the park. [?]

4) George’s got two pens. [-]

5) We’re in the middle of the room. [?]

6) They’ve got a large cottage. [?]

7) It’s right. [-]

8) She’s got a yellow dress. [-]

9) Her name’s Billy. [?]

10) His hat’s black. [-]

Задание 2. Соедините изображения животных (1—5) с их названиями на английском (А-Е).

Задание 3. Напиши слова, которым соответствует транскрипция. Пример дан под цифрой ноль (0).

0) [skeit] — skate

1) [eg]

2) [milk]

3) [bɵ’na: nɵ]

4) [desk]

5) [blauz]

6) [bu: t]

7) [kau]

8) [dol]

9) [plein]

10) [boks]

Задание 4. Вставьте в пропуски верное слово.

It is six o’clock (1)… the morning. (2)… sun is coming up. We (3)… on the train to London. Liverpool (4)… soon behind us. We are now (5)… the country. I look out (6)… the window. I (7)… small houses and animals. Tom looks (8)… the photo of (9)… man in black. The cat is (10)… breakfast.

1) A of B at C in D on

2) A a B the C an D —

3) A are B am C is D have

4) A are B has C am D is

5) A at B in C on D with

6) A at B in C of D by

7) A am seeing B sees C see D have seen

8) A at B on C in D for

9) A the B a C an D —

Конец ознакомительного фрагмента.

О книге

Автор: Александра Егурнова

Жанры и теги: Языкознание


  • Тестовые задания для обучаемых с уровнем владения языком А1-А2

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